Dream feed

Through watching the programmes I picked up on the controlled crying at night part. I was never a fan of letting a baby 'cry it out' but she taught how to recognise the different pitches. It was quite remarkable, watching it on telly then putting it into practise. Oh that was wrong, it was supernanny who done controlled crying and Tracy Hogg done the pick up put down technique. Is that right? Oh someone help me here, my marbles are gone.
I tried the Dream Feed with Oscar last night - no luck! He wouldn't open his mouth. I tried tempting him with a little milk on his lips - nope.
His lips are tightly locked - no entry gained without permission in advance!!!!! :D :lol:
Emilia xx
hi lauarmum, yh tracey does the pick up put down and when to notice your baby is getting tired b4 its to late and they go over tired and wont sleep

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