Dreading third set of jabs :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Well, tomorrow we have Emily's 16 week jabs and I am absolutely dreading them. The last two lots have been awful. The second lot were particularly bad, with inconsolable crying, sickness and diarroah that lasted several days. :-(.
If she reacted so badly to the last two lots, what are the chances, do you think, that she will react badly to this lot, which sees all of the previous drugs injected at once...?
Oh my... I'm dreading it!
well she should have a bit of immunity to them by now. essentially the 3 sets of jabs are what an adult would get in 1 lot just split into 3 smaller doses. i hope shes ok for you, alyssa hated the first ones but only cried a lil bit on the 2nd and they barely seemed to bother her. everyone says the third ones arent bad. we have ours in a couple of weeks
Thanks, Bev, yes - I hope you're right, cos she's already got some of the drug in her system, it might not be so bad. Really hope it works like that, cos last time I ended up calling NHS Direct in the night I just didn't know what to do with the poor baby.
The third set were the easiest of the lot for us. Josh cried briefly but then gave us smiles. And was fine for the rest of the day. Hope it goes ok. Try not to go in feeling nervous as your LO will sense how you feel.xx
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Oz reacted badly to every single set, even the ones at 12 months old.

With his 3rd lot we thought we'd got away with it, but the reaction took 24 hours to hit and was really bad.

Only thing you can do is be prepared. Calpol/Calprofen at the ready and lots of mummy cuddles.

Good luck hunxxxx
Chloe was terrible with her second lot of jabs too, temperature, inconsolable crying etc so I was dreading the 3rd set especially with there being 3 jabs. She had stopped crying before we left the room and was perfectly happy throughout the day though.
Jake was really sick with all his injections apart from the BCG one, not much you do other than lots of cuddles, hate the 3rd lot because it's 3 needles :( but really hope you're little one is ok, never know xxxx
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oh god i feel sick just thinking about austins ...his last one were awful. he coped fine, but I started crying uncontrolabley.

Feel a right muppet...my heart was racing and tears were just pinging out of my face.

Doh x
:( hope it goes ok!!! Xxxx

Max was bad on 1st lot, got 2nd lot next week I'm dreading it already.

Our third set were the easiest but LO did wake up in the night with a stupidly high temperature and had to have some nurofen but it came down pretty quick.

Harrison was really bad with the first two but the 3rd was a dream, no problems at all, hope its the same for your lo!!
Harrison was really bad with the first two but the 3rd was a dream, no problems at all, hope its the same for your lo!!

Really hope it's the same for us! :)
Mind you I did feel so guilty after that I bought up half of mothercare!!! Lol!!
She won't have any more after this until she is 12 months! That's what kept me going, good luck xxx and good luck to Samsgirl too xxx

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