Dreading our family holiday...

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Going away at the weekend to Wales, staying in a log cabin for a week..

TBH I am dreading it :(

I am absolutley exhausted at the mo-work is s**t, very stressful. Ruby is a handful, very clingy-I cant leave her alone for a moment without her whinging, she is taking hours to settle of a night, and waking in the night-she only wants me and not OH so I always end up being the one to go to her.

OH is lazy-always has been and I wont change him. I do all the cooking, shopping, washing and all of Rubys day to day things.

I finish work tomorrow night-he finished yesterday and is very relaxed and excited about going away-all I can see is a hectic day saturday getting ready to go (he goes to watch footie), followed by a week trapped in a remote place with a clinging baby and a lazy partner in the p**sing down rain..its making me feel so unhappy that I really dont feel like going :(

I feel so bad for feeling like this-I miss Ruby when we are apart and I should be really looking forward to some quality time with her??

Sorry for moaning, I just needed to get it out xxx
Oh hun, dont be stuck in the cabin, get yourself out and about and chances are that Ruby wont be as whingy because she will have stuff grabbing her attention (people, places) :hug: :hug:
im sure a change of scenery will do u good hun, the fresh air will do Rubes good and she may change her tune when ur doin things together as a family? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun don't be so down i agree with the others a change of scenery will be great for you and Ruby and as your OH is off work he has no excuse not to help out a bit more..he might surprise you and be helpful! Also i hope the weather holds out and you can take Ruby for walks and do lots of stuff to keep her attention and i bet she isn't half as clingy!! Life is what you make it hunny (ok not everythings in our control) but a bit of positive mental attitude can go a long way!!

I hope you enjoy yourself..try and be happy you'll not be at work and your getting valuable family time with your beautiful lil girl! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Agreed with above positve mental attitude!!!! Pack a few bottles of wine and some nice nibbles and try and enjoy yourself in the evenings. the freshair will knock you all out anyway!
Aw where in Wales are you going, we also stayed in a log cabin, it was fab... it rained a bit for us too, but it was relaxing and the views were lovely.

treat yourself to lots of nice bath smellies and have a relaxing time, I always take loads of LUSH stuff on holiday :D

BTW I would make it clear to your OH that YOU are having a holiday too, and you expect him to pick up the slack.
Thanks girlies...I am not dreading it as much now :hug:

We have packed lots of waterproof gear as weather forcast is poo, we walk alot with the dog anyway so we are used to crap weather.

Urchin-its Trawsffynedd (sp?) in Snowdonia. We have been a few times before-post Ruby but this is the first time with her. its very remote and very quiet.

Off to pack now for tomorrow, thanks again xx
Aww I know how you feel hun :( :hug: :hug:

My OH is lazy git as well, I agree you wanna tell him your on holiday as well so he'll have to pull his finger out :hug: :hug:

I'm sure Ruby will be much better with the change of location and enjoy having loads of time to spend with you :)
Ive just come back from a rainy week in a lodge. We went out for a couple of hours each day but the weather was terrible. However, we had a great time.

My advice to you would be to go on strike where cooking, cleaning etc come into it. Tell you OH before you go that you are not lifting a finger and hes to do it all for that one week.

Enjoy it!

Aww hun, just make sure you remind hubbie that this is YOUR holiday too. Urchin is right about taking stuff to pamper yrself a little. You need it! My suggestion is: dont clean, who cares? Keep cooking reeeeally simple, nothing elaborate and get hubbie to help with prep, yknow, chopping or peeling, not difficult. :lol:
Ruby will in all probability be a lot happier having you around all the time for a few days. She is likely to be clingy because she misses you, take advantage of the opportunity to play with her and enjoy her!

Have a lovely time and relax :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Awww Zoe. I can completely relate to Ruby's behaviour at the moment. Tom is exactly the same. It's been a nightmare couple of weeks. Really stressful. Let's hope it's just a stage they're going through.
I hope you have a lovely break. Snowdonia is so beautiful. Even if it's raining, hopefully you can stick the fire on and get cosy. You can still get wrapped up if it's raining and go splashing in the puddles.
We'll be thinking of you and doing a little sun-dance down here to make the rain go away for you all.
Lucyx :hug:

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