Dreading my booking in app...


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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Its this thurs and i just know im gonna come up against the midwifes like i did in my last 2 pregnancies, the reason being (and please dont anyone have a go!)

I have a major major needle phobia, to the point ive never had any bloods taken in either previous pregnancies, despite trying really hard to go through with it,

Last 2 times i had some nice/understanding mw's and some down right nasty b*tches!

So im trying to prepare myself for battle!!

I understand how some people may think im being selfish, i totally understand that i feel that way too but when it comes down to it i just cannot go through with it xx
Sorry for being thick have one what? a blood test or a nasty mw pmsl xxx
Haha sorry im being thick today,

Mine started when i was at school dont know why or what set it off, ive had therapy to try and help etc but still when it comes to it i cannot do it, i just have to get out no matter what

I had to sign a disclaimer both times saying the hospital weren't responsible if anything went wrong and i have been lucky with both previous pregnancies

Just dreading going through the battle again xx
i understand completely, i dont have a needle phobia, but im really squeamish and hate anything like that. Ive fainted many times while having bloods done!! what therapy have you had? I know a few people who have had hypnotherapy for phobias that worked amazingly. hope you have a nice midwife! x x x
i hate it too and am dreading it....the night i miscarried i was like a pin cushion...so i just figure if i can let them do it to me when i knew my baby had died, then i have to let them do it for my healthy baby

or thats whats i keep telling myself...i will still be a wreck when i go in there

i understand completely, i dont have a needle phobia, but im really squeamish and hate anything like that. Ive fainted many times while having bloods done!! what therapy have you had? I know a few people who have had hypnotherapy for phobias that worked amazingly. hope you have a nice midwife! x x x

Cant remember what its called exactly but it was so many session with a woman and we slowly built up to me holding a needle etc, i got that after my 1st baby so had already gone through a needle free pregnancy

It all went out the window with 2nd baby tho cos the fear took over.

Samsgirl im sorry for your loss i have no idea what id do in that situation dont suppose id have a choice iyswim?

And everyone gonna think im seriously weird but i did have 2 epidurals which came with 2 drips that i could just about manage altho i did totally freak out and fainted both times
OK youve hit the nail on the head, you have a phobia. Doesnt matter whether its of spiders, aeroplanes or needles its still a medical condition that they have to recognise and you tell them so. In the meantime, can you get help for the phobia... a bit of CBT? If you go to your doc they will get you the help as its important for you (not on about babies or anything) and your health in the future. At least if you try treat it then and only then you can decide whether to face it or not. Does this make sense? I too am/was phobic about needles and its a nightmare to get blood out of me so I am up front and tell em, but I do face it so its not as bad as your condition. YOU HAVE A CONDITION tell the MW that to stick it where the sun dont shine. Good luck sweetie xxx ps I had mw trying to bully me to get me to go to a certain hospital and I just give them the death stare, that works a treat ha ha xxx
pps as you said there are some fab mw's out there so no disrespect to them as like any occupation, you get a lot of good and some bad x
Good luck, just talk them through it and no one can make you do anything you aren't comfortable with.

With regards to the therepy building up to holding a needle, wouldn't the issue actually be someone sticking one in you arm rather than just holding one!? Not that silly a phobia really, and very hard to do that in a weekly session!
OK youve hit the nail on the head, you have a phobia. Doesnt matter whether its of spiders, aeroplanes or needles its still a medical condition that they have to recognise and you tell them so. In the meantime, can you get help for the phobia... a bit of CBT? If you go to your doc they will get you the help as its important for you (not on about babies or anything) and your health in the future. At least if you try treat it then and only then you can decide whether to face it or not. Does this make sense? I too am/was phobic about needles and its a nightmare to get blood out of me so I am up front and tell em, but I do face it so its not as bad as your condition. YOU HAVE A CONDITION tell the MW that to stick it where the sun dont shine. Good luck sweetie xxx ps I had mw trying to bully me to get me to go to a certain hospital and I just give them the death stare, that works a treat ha ha xxx

Thank you i did try so hard with last two even had mw's at my home for hours on end trying to coax me into having it taken, it was horrible

I cried/shook/was sick and ended up passing out in the end they gave up the stress of having it done was worse than not at that time, might sound silly but i start to get defensive and pull the whole "im a grown woman you will not tell me what to do" routine which makes me look crazy!!

The last two times they actually took the blood when they put the drip in for the epidural and that i coped with pretty much so will beg for same this time,

My last daughter they refused to take canular out after id had her for a good few hours incase i needed anything doing as they put it "its in now if we take it out you wont let us put it back in!"

I managed with that in for bout 5 hrs then begged them to take it out x
Good luck, just talk them through it and no one can make you do anything you aren't comfortable with.

With regards to the therepy building up to holding a needle, wouldn't the issue actually be someone sticking one in you arm rather than just holding one!? Not that silly a phobia really, and very hard to do that in a weekly session!

Yup rather silly tbh i could hold it but if she'd have tried to stick me with it i'd probably punch her!

She taught me some techniques but tbh when that moment hit me it all went out window xx
Well ladies had my booking in app all went fine didnt have bloods done she said not a problem she'd just send a note to the consultant see if they wanna see me but she dont think they will,

Got my scan date too 15th Aug, lets see them put me back 2 weeks then! xx
how about using emla cream? this numbs the skin so that you cannot feel the needle? or how about having blood taken from the back of your hand maybe? i hope that you can overcome this fear, its horrible isn't it?
I don't have a phobia but I really dread it!Ask for magic cream that they give kids prior to operations to numb the skin.You wont feel a thing I promise.

Also, you should see your doc and hopefully they can refer you to someone that can help you to overcome this.xxx
emla and ametop are topical numbing creams you can get from any boots, they get left on for an hour and then the skin should be numb, lots of ppl use them when getting a tattoo.

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