Dr. appoinment this morning....still have questions?? Help!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hi ladies,
I went to the Dr. this morning and we did another test. It was BFN od course....but I am 8 days late, bbs tender and full feeling, Had a slight metallic taste in my mouth and very heavey white CM and have had some light spotting...VERY light....and mild cramps for a few weeks. The Dr. said that I may have conceaved later in my cycle than planned and that may be why I am getting BFN's still. She said that it wont show i ur urine till ur around 5 weeks. Is this true? And can anyone educate me on this and the "symptoms" I am having?? :think:
just take another test in a week.
there is no way anyone can tell you if the symtoms you have means you're pregnant as everyone is different.
i hope you are ifthat what you want though :hug: be patient and wait a few more days
Ok ladies, Still no AF. I was due around the 21st to the 25th of Janurary. My bbs r very tender and my nipples kinda of burn slightly. I have had BFN but was told I was testing to early. I also, have a lot of CM. Any opinions and when do u think it would be a good time to test again? :pray:
Still njo Af. BBS r getting quite full feeling and hurting a lil more. I can definitly feel it when Im walking down stairs even. Also the Cm is thick and heavy and my nipples kind of burn slightly when the shower water hits them or if they r touched...sorry TMI. Im going to test tonight and then again in the morning!! Wish us luck. :pray:
good luck!!!

have u tested tonight?
No I work till 8 and its only 5:30 pm where I am so i will do one when I get home and then in the morning for morning urine. I just need to do one to humor myself tonight!! :wall: From the symptoms I described....what is ur opinion?? I was due for AF on 12-25-06. and she still hasnt arrived!! :dance:
Not sure. The symptoms could be but to be honest i get quite a few sympoms most months and then af arrives. I would keep pestering the doc.

Good luck
I got 2 BFNs at the docs then a BFP.

They said that home tests are more accurate than theirs so u still could be pg! Any news?

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