Down Syndrome results back :( UPDATE Pg1


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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I had the results of my blood tests come through today and they have come back high risk :cry: they have made an appointment with me for thursday to discuss, im so scared, ive already had a crap year with 2 miscarriages and now this!
Can anyone tell me what will happen? The appointment is in the scanning dept does this mean they will have a look at baby? They also said i can have an amniocentesis done at the appointment but i really dont want this.
What makes you high risk? what do they look for in your blood?
:cry: :cry:

HI Ladies thank you SO much for all your messages your all fantastic :hug: :hug:
Had my appointment this morning and my ratio came back as 1:223 which to be honest is better than i expected, we were offered the amnio which we declined, i asked if they would do a scan which they did but said its too early to detect so they will do a more detailed scan at 20 wks, Feeling more positive i can live with odds of 1:223 as it means i still have a good chance of having a healthy baby, i also got to see baby again and nothing showed up on this scan so will see at the next one. My poor hubby who was desperate for a daughter is now convinced we are having a boy as the Dr kept refering to baby as "he"! Any way thanks again for all your support and heres a pic of baby Thomson :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: I chose not to have my bloods done cos when I looked into it even if they tell you your high risk there is only a tiny percentage of women who will actually have a child with downs so IMO it's not very acurate unless you have the amniocentisis which I wouldn't have had anyway. I know it must be so difficult but please try not to worry as even being high risk doesn't mean your baby has downs. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im sorry I cant answer a lot of your questions - but I do know it is not totally accurate so try not to worry too much. Sorry you have to go through this now :hug: :hug:
Can't really answer your Qs as not been in this situation but didn't want to read and run.

I do know that there have been other ladies who have come back high risk and everything has been fine so although it's easier said than done, do try not to worry too much. :hug: :hug:

Poor you, you've had a rubbish time, I'm sure things will get better soon and you can start to enjoy your pregnancy :hug:
Do you smoke? I know that can skew the results and shower a higher risk than is usual.

It must be so worrying for you, but it may be one of those things. High risk is just that; a RISK, nothing definite. Of course amniocentisis carries it's own risks (1% miscarriage) Are you defnitely not having one?

I'm sorry you've had this news :hug:
Minxy said:
Do you smoke? I know that can skew the results and shower a higher risk than is usual.

It must be so worrying for you, but it may be one of those things. High risk is just that; a RISK, nothing definite. Of course amniocentisis carries it's own risks (1% miscarriage) Are you defnitely not having one?

I'm sorry you've had this news :hug:
Hi no i have never smoked, rarely have a drink. Ive told myself i dont want the amniocentisis but i guess this may change depending on what the Drs say.
Like most of the girls have said just because the results have came back high risk doesn't mean that your LO is gonna have downs.

I really don't have any advice hun but wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Sara

I know exactly what you are goung through at the min. I came home to a hand delivered note from my midwife telling me i was high risk (1/221) for downs syndrome.

I was told an appointment had been made in 4 days time where i would discuss my options with a consultant.
I literally cried the whole 4 days leading up to this.

When we went to the appointment they told us that we would be offered a detailed scan to check the baby for what they called 'soft markers'. They then said we would be offered an amnio as the scan can not 100% give us a yes or no where as an amnio can.

Me and OH discussed what we wanted to do and agreed to the scan only, as an amnio carries risk we just couldn't risk it, especially after having had a miscarriage and over a year and a half of trying for this baby.

Once in for the scan they literally checked everything on the baby, the heart chambers, head, leg length, the nuchal fold, nasal bone etc. They really did spend a lot of time looking for any signs of abnormality. They said they could see nothing that indicates ds and we were happy to leave it at that.

Coming out of the hospital it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The triple blood test is nothing but a worry and if i have another baby i will not be having this test done again.

Also at the time my sister in law told me she has had 7 of her friends all come back high risk and worried so much and gone on to have perfectly healthy babies.

Sorry if i rambled on i just wanted to share my experience and to say please dont worry.

:hug: xxx
Oh hun Im so sorry.

I have just finally got all my results back after an agonising month of waiting.

When I got my results I was booked in for a detailed scan with the consultant, who checked for anything abnormal. They found fluid being retained in babies head and also thought she had 6 toes on one foot. Both we're NOT directly paired with downs but because they had found them they offered me the amnio. YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE IT.

I decided to take the amnio because I wanted to know for sure either way. If it was downs then I would have had a choice and could have been prepared if i decided to keep the baby and if not it would but my mind at ease.

I was bought back in a few days later where the amnio was performed. It didnt hurt it was just a horrible experience and I was terrified. That was 2 weeks ago yesterday :eek:) They came back to us with the downs results within 24 hours. Then we got the full report yesterday.

Its so easy to say dont worry but of corse your gonna worry.

Book an appointment with the midwife. There should be a number on your letter. She will be able to explain everything to you.

They look for a pattern in your blood. The result should be around 1.0. If they find 3 results over 1.0 and one under thats when you get a high risk. Mine were all over a lot so thats why I was called in.

If you wanna talk about it at all I will give you my number in a private message and I will happilly talk to ya cause I know how scary it all is.

Thinking about you hun, I hope everything is ok, just remember its only 1 in so many so there is still a bigger chance your baby is perfectly ok :) :hug:
not really got any advice but didnt want to run off without sending some :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun, i cant offer any advice really as i opted out of having this test purely cos i didnt want anymore worry and if i had come back high risk i wouldnt have had the amnio anyway.

Everyone is different though and whatever you decide i hope everything works out ok and you feel better soon,

Claire x
Awww hun :hug: :hug:

I think if your results are like 1/250 that is considered high risk, but on the flip side of them 250 chances, 249 will be fine. I'm not explaining it very well but I hope i've made sense.

Fingers crossed for you hun xxxx
Sara everyone has already given you great advice after all you have been through with this pregnancy and your m/c's I can understand you worrying like mad take time to think things through and know we are all here for you :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww, I can't really offer any advice on top of what's already been said, and after everything you've been through you must feel so worried. Did they say what the risk is in figures? Remember the flip side; that the one-in-whatever means that there's a much much higher chance of everything being OK - though I know it's easy to say that when you're not in the boat yourself.

Thinking of you, and hoping you get some good news at the scan, x

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Again I can't answer your questions as I'm not having the blood test.

But my sister in law had a high risk which turned out to be nothing, and a friend of mine was 1 in 4!!! She also had a perfectly healthy baby girl who is now 3.

Please try not to worry (easier said than done I'm sure), just talk things through with you friends, family & midwife and decide on what further tests are available.
i have no awnsers to your questions either but wanted to say good luck and hope all is ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

good luck hun, and I hope everything turns ok for you xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck at your appointment and hope things work out for you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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