

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I'm very torn about this birth.... Had a very traumatic vbac the first time around and really not looking forward to doing it again. I was thinking elective section but that's not all that attractive either.

I have a friend who's been extremely happy about having a doula and I was wondering whether anyone else has had one and were they helpful?

One of the major things about my first birth was being left alone for hours and first MW being not very nice at all.

I had a very different experience from you first time around.....I had a planned home birth which (apart from a placenta which didn't appear for an hour) was pretty straightforward.

However, my hubby and I have both said we couldn't have done it without my Mum there.....she knew just what to say and just what to do (our midwife said Mum would make an excellent Doula), and when the midwives went home at 3:30am (when my daughter was just 2 1/2 hours old) my Mum was a constant source of help and reassurance. We really wouldn't have known what to do had she not been there to help (.....we're not daft, we were just first time parents!)

If things go to plan, we'll hopefully have a home birth again and we'll be inviting my Mum to come to stay.....but if she can't make it (she lives 3 hours away and is in the middle of a building project!) then I should think we'll be looking into Doulas. I certainly found it helpful to have someone who was constantly on my side, who knew more about birth than my hubby (who was excellent after he'd followed my Mum's lead, but he would have been a bit irritating otherwise!) and who was able to offer support once the midwives were gone.

Hope that helps xxx
I didn't have a doula and won't be this time (I forgot to get back to her, whoops). However, I know a lot of people that have and really recommend it so if you can afford one, do it!! They do also have schemes if you are on a low income that will fund or part fund your doula. Not sure how that works though and what it covers but worth looking in to
i had a doula for my second birth, i highly recommend getting one!! my experience with a doula was one of the reasons i became a doula myself! all women deserve a doula :)

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