Doula support


New Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I'd like to introduce myself to the forum, my name is Aleks I'm training to be a Doula (birthing assistant). Part of my
project at University is to attend a certain number of births in my
capacity as a Doula.

For those of you who never heard of Doula's existence - Doula is a
birthing companion, a woman who establishes a working and caring
relationship with a mother during the pregnancy, acts as a source of
information, prepares the Birth Plan together, attends and helps the
woman through labour, acts as a woman's rep and advocate during
birthing and helps adjust to being a full time mum.


- Recognizes birth as a key life experience that the mother will
remember all her life
- Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a
woman in labour
- Assists the woman and her partner in preparing for and carrying out
their plans for the birth
- Stays by the side of the labouring woman throughout the entire
- Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures, an objective
viewpoint and assistance to the woman in getting the information she
needs to make good decisions
- Facilitates communication between the labouring woman, her partner
and clinical care providers
- Perceives her role as one who nurtures and protects the woman's
memory of her birth experience.

A doula is a professional in her own right
A doula does not have a nursing or medical role
A doula will be there throughout your labour. It does not matter how
It does not matter whether it is a home birth or hospital birth
A doula is unique
A doula is not associated to a hospital, consultant, doctor or
midwife and is there for the pregnant woman only

That's enough official descriptions :)

I was wondering if any of you would be interested in having me help
you through this wonderful and sometimes daunting time. Ideally you
would be 7 or 8 months pregnant and live somewhere in London.

A bit about me: I am a complementary therapist, working from a clinic
in Camden (my website: ) and my passion for
childbirth started in Indonesia where I volunteered for several months
at a birthing centre in Bali, Yayasan Bumi Sehat, started by a
wonderful midwife from America. When I returned to the UK I decided
to legalise my status as a birth companion and attended a Middlesex
University course recognised by the National Childbirth Trust.

My offer is free of charge and I will be very happy to hear from any
of you who could do with a bit of support.

My email address is [email protected]


I live in somerset and already have access to two wonderful doula friends but i just wanted to say THANKYOUUUUUUUUU :hug: :hug: :hug: we need lots more doula's - i'm gonna become one after i've had my little one too :) What a lovely lady to come and offer your services free of charge here :) Big hugs to you lady xxxx
Aww wish I lived near you I would be well up for that :(
Good luck with your course though hope you get lots of offers!!

I'm having a doula at my birth and she's already been fantastic with antenatal visits etc.

I would recommend it to anyone who feels they need a little extra support at their birth. I will be having my boyfriend there, and my doula.
It's so nice to get so much encouragement, you bunch are really sweet :clap: :D
Thank you so much :hug:

Good luck with the course, I'm sure you'll make a fantastic doula! :clap:
Shame you're not based in Manchester, I'd have loved you to be my doula. xxx
How fantastic! thats so lovely of you to come on here :D i also have a doula, well, midwife doula, Allyson. She looks after me and baby through out my pregnancy i see her every two weeks and shes also my brithing partner (along with my hubby) and delivers baby at home when the time comes. shes fab, like a close friend. i can call her with any worries on her pager 24 hours a day and she will always call back straight away. everyone should have a doula like yourself. :hug: your doing a fantastic job! x
So strange to read your post today -I was reading an article about Doulas just yesterday afternoon. Had never even heard the world before that! I would love a doula but live in Cumbria so not very handy for you!

My only concern about having a doula would be that you would make DH feel even more on the sidelines.

Hope you get lots of people wanting your services, bet you will!

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