Dopplers & Reassurance


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Hi all,

I thinking of getting a Doppler to give me some reassurance as sickness seems to be settled and I'm starting to get some energy back so just don't feel pregnant any more. Apart from tummy expanding and not fitting in many clothes at all, I am in that stage where cannot feel movements yet but don't have early symptoms any more.

Anyway, the reason for my post is what dopplers have any of you ladies got and would you recommend them? I'm worried I won't find the heartbeat and will be in more turmoil!

I'm thinking about the same, havent told OH i want one - as he'll prob think im daft for worrying too much.

A lot of the ladies on here have spoken about the angelsounds doppler. I had a nosey at it on amazon - it looks not bad.
I hired one of these (the £14.95 one that has a digital display) and its been really good. When my little monster isn't hiding, which is frequently, it picks up the heartbeat really well. Its medical grade i believe so picks up a heartbeat well. Only thing i would say though is, i did often get upset because i couldn't find the heartbeat, when it just turns out i've got a hider :lol:
Ive got an angelsounds and it was great but since he started moving I havnt used it!!

I hired one of these (the £14.95 one that has a digital display) and its been really good. When my little monster isn't hiding, which is frequently, it picks up the heartbeat really well. Its medical grade i believe so picks up a heartbeat well. Only thing i would say though is, i did often get upset because i couldn't find the heartbeat, when it just turns out i've got a hider :lol:

WSS^^ Highly recommend!
I've got angelsounds purely because it was much cheaper than the others but it has done what I needed. Heard heartbeat with some searching as soon as I got it at 11 weeks and now at 13 weeks I can find it easily (esp as I now know where to look). I have found it very helpful to put my mind at rest although only use it a couple of times a week. I also feel like I am connecting with my LO more when I can listen to him. I know that probably sounds stupid but as you said when you're too early to feel movement and no longer feeling so sick it's nice to still have proof that you're pregnant.
I hired and then bought one from it is fab

I got an Angel Sounds one and i couldn't hear much so put in my skull candy headphones and turned the volume on full and it kicked the doppler and almost burst my eardrums - im sure it planned it!! lol xx
i too have an angelsounds. really pleased with it. i can find pip's heartbeat easily each time i try now. definately helps to put my mind at ease, as like you say, apart from the expanding waistline i feel "normal".
Thanks ladies. Had a result that friend at work had one and has lent it me for duration of pregnancy. Used it today and eventually found pobs heartbeat which was magical as first time I heard it.
thats a result hesty! dont worry if sometimes it takes you a while to find it. they r little wrigglers at this stage and move around constantly
Awww that is really good of your friend :) I too got one for peace of mind, I thought I would become obsessed with it, but I haven't! If I feel our little lady move, I don't tend to bother with it! I usually use it when the boys want a listen :) last night my teenage son finally showed interest and asked if he could have ago at finding her heartbeat! I was so shocked! But over the moon, he loved it!

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