Dont know why I'm writing this, please hunour me....

Do I put parsley with boiling water? I have some fresh parsley I could try now x
ye i would put the parley in a cup of boiling water and leave it to infuse for 5 mins then strain it :)
i did a test a week after my period was late and it came up negative hun sometimes the HGC just isnt strong enough just wait and see wat happens xx
It sounds rank lol

I do like parsley with fish and in sauces, so that it would probably taste like fish water to me by association :)

I'd stick to orgasms to bring on af, get your uterus and muscles contracting ;)
It was awful, couldn't drink alot of it tbh but had a good try.
Still no af :( x
Have you tried sex hun, this is the one that usually does the job for me, as lou said it contracts muscles in uterus :)
No, it hurts too much, too uncomfortable :(
I'll have to contract them myself ;)
What about sit ups? x
hmmmm never heard about sit ups but worth a shot!

get contracting that uterus :whistle:
Hehehe will do ;)
I think I'll go and see the dr, although I didn't have much luck there on my last 50 day cycle :( x
At least I've got no hpts left so that will stop me testing for the next 10 days x
Thanks Kez, it's like bloody groundhog day! I'm worried that there is a reason for these wacky cycles as I was always regular as clockwork before mc, always 28/29 days. They then went to 35 days give or take a day either side, then the random 50 day cycle and now cd 40 today grrrrrrrr :( xx
I know they can muck your cycles up but thought they would of gone back to normal by now, maybe a trip to GP is needed for an MOT
he can contract my muscles anytime infact i think he is now hehehe x

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