Don't know what to do with myself.........


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Hey ladies!

38 weeks ... 2 weeks, possibly 4 weeks to go! MAXIMUM!

I'm just pottering round the house, i have no energy, no motivation! Nusery is finished, clothes are packed away.

I could clean
I could hover
I could write Thank you cards
I could make a list/chart of what bills need to be paid next
I could walk my dog

The list goes on..... I can't be bothered to do any!

Lol sorry for the moan, but i had to do it somewhere.....

How is everyone else today???X
I know exactly how you feel. I'm at the same stage, and there's loads I could be doing, but I have zero motivation to do anything but eat & sleep!

It's so exciting to think how close we are to having baba's here though!
my m/w told me that if you relax your will arrive early or on time..sounds like a great excuse to do nothing to me ;)

Ha ha this is EXACTLY how I feel, I keep moaning to hubby how fed up & bored I am and he suggests loads of things I could be doing but I can't be arsed to do any of them!!!! So went online yesterday and ordered some really funky green wool which came in the post today so have got settled in a comfy chair and got started on a hoody for the baby!
my m/w told me that if you relax your will arrive early or on time..sounds like a great excuse to do nothing to me ;)


I've tried EVERYTHING else so will defo be giving relaxing a good old try :rofl: fingers crossed it works :)
I heard your jaw and face muscles are linked to your foof muscles, so if you clench your teeth and tense your face it does the same down below so your supposed to relax your face by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth on the palate behind your front teeth then let your bottom lip drop and recede slightly, then gently close your eyes and it relaxes your face and helps relax your cervix encouraging it to open. Don't know how true it is but I try spend 10 mins every hour or so relaxing my face I'm that willing to try anything lol!!
I feel the same. I've got loads that needs doing, but I just cant be arsed!! The nesting bug has definitely forgotten about me. And feeling sooo uncomfortable doesnt help matters x
I heard your jaw and face muscles are linked to your foof muscles, so if you clench your teeth and tense your face it does the same down below so your supposed to relax your face by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth on the palate behind your front teeth then let your bottom lip drop and recede slightly, then gently close your eyes and it relaxes your face and helps relax your cervix encouraging it to open. Don't know how true it is but I try spend 10 mins every hour or so relaxing my face I'm that willing to try anything lol!!

loooooool this sounds hillarious!! Wouldn't be suprised if it is true, i've heard loads of body parts are "linked"

I had a bit of my arm when I touched it it was making my foot sore....really wierd but right enough it kept happening loool

So glad i'm not alone ladys, i had the nesting bug....... but it hit me and left me with nadder!!!!!!!!!!!xx
Oh I feel the same I'm so shattered that i get scared of stayin home alone coz I'll be bored & all I want to do is lie down & sleep or relax! So I make myself busy all the time but can't stop yawning all day!
Ive got a fair few things to do myself but sitting at the computer or having a table full of paperwork just doesn't appeal to me xx
yes i feel very big now and i have a month to go. difficult to sleep and walk around. cannot wait to finish work next week!

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