Last month (August) I had a miscarriage. I thought it was a period that was going on too long (bled form aug 4 - 12th). i was upset as ive been TTC for 11 months.
Took a test a week ago (07th Sept) and got faint positive that gradually got darker over the week (by little amounts).
On Saturday 12th sept i started bleeding, this lasted less than 24 hours and was a mixture of red, brown and dark red blood with some what looked liked clotting and stringy bits. hcg levels on sat at 9pm were 47 - it wasn't looking good.
I had bloods redone on Monday at 4pm and they were 85hcg. I'm now confused as i thought i was miscarrying. I still have minimal amount of brownish colour when I wipe (barely visible).
Doctor said i still could miscarry or it could be very early on. Due to miscarriage and extended bleeding last month, I have no idea how far along I am or could be.
I have more hcg tests on Wednesday 16th sept. Last night 14th sept I had very very little brown blood again but it was gone by this morning.
Can anyone advise of help on this from experiences or knowledge?
I'm desperate for a child and 2 days too find out if my hcg is going as it should feels like a lifetime.
Note: Yesterday my pregnancy test was the clearest its ever been. Today it was a little fainter but still a clear positive.
Last month (August) I had a miscarriage. I thought it was a period that was going on too long (bled form aug 4 - 12th). i was upset as ive been TTC for 11 months.
Took a test a week ago (07th Sept) and got faint positive that gradually got darker over the week (by little amounts).
On Saturday 12th sept i started bleeding, this lasted less than 24 hours and was a mixture of red, brown and dark red blood with some what looked liked clotting and stringy bits. hcg levels on sat at 9pm were 47 - it wasn't looking good.
I had bloods redone on Monday at 4pm and they were 85hcg. I'm now confused as i thought i was miscarrying. I still have minimal amount of brownish colour when I wipe (barely visible).
Doctor said i still could miscarry or it could be very early on. Due to miscarriage and extended bleeding last month, I have no idea how far along I am or could be.
I have more hcg tests on Wednesday 16th sept. Last night 14th sept I had very very little brown blood again but it was gone by this morning.
Can anyone advise of help on this from experiences or knowledge?
I'm desperate for a child and 2 days too find out if my hcg is going as it should feels like a lifetime.
Note: Yesterday my pregnancy test was the clearest its ever been. Today it was a little fainter but still a clear positive.