Don't know if i'm having a miscarriage..... 7wks


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
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Hi Ladies........
Writing on here as in the hope of someone knowing how I'm feeling.......
I found out i was expecting at 5 weeks and both me and hubby were over the moon.
Yesterday i was at work when i went to the toilet I noticed there was a brownish discharge when i wiped. This didn't concern me too much as I've read that many ladies do have some spotting during pregnancy. Then about an hour later the bleeding got heavier and i really started to panic!! I left work, went straight to A&E and eventually got seen by the doctor.
They took a urine sample and confirmed i was still pregnant (but i think the hormone levels would still show i was anyway) I explained about the bleed and told her how it had got heavier whilst i had been waiting to be seen. She said that i was having a threatened miscarriage. She gave me an internal and my cervix was still closed. So that meant i hadn't had one and there is still hope that i may continue with this pregnancy.
Me and my Hubby are staying positive as the doctor reassured us that a lot of women bleed during pregnancy and go onto have a normal pregnancy.
I did have a miscarriage 7 years ago and you would have thought i would remember the feeling but i think somehow i have blocked it all out!! So can't remember how it feels?!!
I am soo scared and really concerned that surely it must be a miscarriage from the blood loss I'm having but i am in no pain whatsoever. I get a few twinges but thats it. Some people say that the signs of pregnancy go away but i didn't have any typical pregnancy signs in the 1st place.
Hi hun, i'm sorry you are going through this. I really hope everything continues to go well, are they going to keep monitoring you? I had no symptoms at all for my mmc, but i know ladies on here who have had several bleeds during the pregnancy and despite all the worry and stress have gone on to have healthy babies. I really hope that is that case for you. Feet up, rest lots, and i have everything crossed for you xxxx
Yes sorry i didn't finish explaining myself ........
I am going back for an early scan tomorrow which will hopefully tell me that the baby is still there.
I do hope so as we both really want this..
As we speak my tummy feels like its bubbling, thats all. I so hope I'm one of the lucky ladies and that its not a miscarriage! xx
Fx for you I hope the scan goes well x
i really hope you see something tomorrow at 7 weeks they should be able to find a heartbeat and if you see that thats a good sign. :hug:
Thanks so much....
I really hope they find a heartbeat it would make me the happiest girl in the world!
Fx for you, when u had a mc I gas that bubbling feeling but it was before the bleed literally hr max won't give details as don't want to worry you, on a positive note my boss had a heavy bleed each month that would last the length of a period and her son is bout 6 now,

The fact your cervix is still closed gives you a chance as when I was checked my cervix was fully opened xx
Good luck xxx
Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Do you mind me asking did you pass a large clot? (I completely understand if you don't wish to answer)
I just want the bleeding to stop, i just keep thinking that the bleeding cant be a good thing!?!
Heads all over the place but thankfully i have a very supportive hubby! x
Fingers crossed for you hun that bubs is all well at your scan tomorrow x
Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Do you mind me asking did you pass a large clot? (I completely understand if you don't wish to answer)
I just want the bleeding to stop, i just keep thinking that the bleeding cant be a good thing!?!
Heads all over the place but thankfully i have a very supportive hubby! x

It started off I felt like I was going to pass out, I went the toilet and saw loads o blood but it wasn't like a period as I stood up and it just kept coming out constantly like I was weeing, I then passed a clot the size of a golf ball so the paramedics came, I passed a few mire bout the size of a 5p but my stomach kept bubbling, at the hospital they asked me to do water sample in them big pots lol bur when I did I felt this gush like my insides fell out when I look this bed pan was almost to the top with just blood and what was at least 15 blood clots the size of golf balls.

Now I font want you thinking this us going to happen to you hun ok so don't start to worry. If and god forbid you mc you could just gave a normal one which is like a period with no clots
babyfazza i went rhough exactly the same symptoms as you at exactly the same time and my baby is due in 4 weeks, fx'd for your scan tomorrow x
Oh I'm so sorry it was like that for u!! It must have been quite upsetting.
As i say, 7 years ago when i have my mc i do remember feeling really weird and unwell so i went o the toilet and i saw a large clot when i went. I haven't had this this time but just the constant bleed. So I'm staying positive! I do appreciate you explaining what happened and sorry if it brings back any upsetting memories.
Oh on a good note... Congratulations on your pregnancy!! xx
babyfazza i went rhough exactly the same symptoms as you at exactly the same time and my baby is due in 4 weeks, fx'd for your scan tomorrow x

Its lovely to meet someone who's been though the same thing I'm going through and wow only 4 weeks left. Just the positivity i need!!
Not long for you now bet you can't wait.
Oh I'm so sorry it was like that for u!! It must have been quite upsetting.
As i say, 7 years ago when i have my mc i do remember feeling really weird and unwell so i went o the toilet and i saw a large clot when i went. I haven't had this this time but just the constant bleed. So I'm staying positive! I do appreciate you explaining what happened and sorry if it brings back any upsetting memories.
Oh on a good note... Congratulations on your pregnancy!! xx

It was had as I had only just come to terms with being pregnant but you learn that as horrible as it is it happens to everyone has done since women first came to earth and will do till the end if time, you just have to be thankful for the things you have
Oh I'm so sorry it was like that for u!! It must have been quite upsetting.
As i say, 7 years ago when i have my mc i do remember feeling really weird and unwell so i went o the toilet and i saw a large clot when i went. I haven't had this this time but just the constant bleed. So I'm staying positive! I do appreciate you explaining what happened and sorry if it brings back any upsetting memories.
Oh on a good note... Congratulations on your pregnancy!! xx

It was had as I had only just come to terms with being pregnant but you learn that as horrible as it is it happens to everyone has done since women first came to earth and will do till the end if time, you just have to be thankful for the things you have

Your right! xx
But it's also easier said than done Hun believe me. If it's meant to be nothing will budge that LO if it isn't then it happened for a reason but I shall keep my fingers, toes arms and legs crossed all goes well for you xx
Just to update you......
I went into hospital today and i had an transvaginal ultrasound, they said they could see something but it wasn't what they would expect if i were 7 weeks. They were confused as to wether my dates may be wrong but i can't see how they can be based on my last period?! They did say that it is possible my conception date isn't when i think it was and i am possibly not as far gone as i thought. They have taken my bloods and i am going back on Saturday so they can compare my HCG levels and hopefully this may give them some sort of indication. Im also going back in 10 days to have another scan and they are hoping to see some development in what they think may be baby. The doctor seems to think that i haven't had a miscarriage as my cervix is still closed and the bleeding has calmed down considerably.
Very confused now but hopefully will know more once i can find out my hormone levels.
That's good, and you would be surprised to hear how many woman are wring about when they conceived and are adamant doctors are wrong by when their last period was only to find out they ovulated or conceived later, sperm can survive in the body upto a week x

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