don't get it (Faith not eating)

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I really don't get it. If Faith has fruit puree (bought) she will eat it. She will also eat soya yog.
I puree fruit, she won't eat it - even when i've tried tricking her by pretending it was out of a pot!

I puree veg and she spits it back out and then clamps her mouth shut. If I try and get some in she will gag until it comes back out.

Yet some mashed potato off of my plate served from my finger she ate and wanted more! I get a spoon and she won't take any more!!!!

I'm sooooo confused!
Finger foods are going a bit better. She hasn't choked but she still bites a bit off, chews, gags and spits it out.

With the purees I've tried most fruits and veg - and all the ones that are in the pots she likes!

Do you think it's just a fussy stage she will grow out of?

She also won't take anything other than milk, whether it be in a bottle, cup, non-spill beaker or TT beaker (not non-spill)
a) chips from someone elses plate always taste better...universal truth... :lol:
b) she probably prefers the pots to your puree because pot purees tend to be smoother and sweetened (usually with apple juice)... you could try sweetening your purees with apple juice. You boil up the fruit in apple juice rather than water and add some of the apple juice when pureeing... :)

and most commercial yogurts have some form of sugar (fructose, lactose or glucose) in them so babies love them. :roll:

I personally I'm really strict with food.... but thats my mum speaking through me... :lol: I prepare a meal, put in front of the girls... If they don't eat it they don't get dessert. I never go and get something else. There are foods I know the girls won't eat (Tia won't eat much fish, and lil miss won't eat leek or parsnip)...but then this is because they have consistently refused these foods several times. So I don't give it to them or only a small amount. Both my girls are really good eaters though so it hasn't done any harm.

They have fussy periods where they don't seem to be that hungry... but it passes :)

As for the milk thing... don't worry about it :) your LO needs milk more than anything else right now... so its good for them. The only time you might worry is if the weather is very very hot... then she might need some water.. but no worries about that right now :lol: :wink:
Don't worry, food is just for fun at the moment, it's the milk that's important.

It sounds like she isn't keen on eating off a spoon unless bribed by sweetness :D To be honest, I personally don't think that's a problem. She's learning to eat so maybe spoons are for later on for her. DD won't take anything on a spoon usually. The very rare occasions she does she likes to take the spoon. But she eats less than a teaspoon a day most days so I guess they have different appetites.
I'm so glad I read this today Suzie.

You've saved my sanity.


Why worry about a spoon then? I'd give her the mash and let her play with it and eat it from her fingers. We don't feed anything to Galen other than yogurt and stewed apple and we load the spoon and he then takes it and puts it in his mouth. Anything else soft like mash he has in his bowl and eats himself with his fingers.

Have you tried her with some pasta twists? Galen loves these and I simply give him a portion of spag bol from my plate and he loves it. Chase them round the highchair tray but catches them and munches.

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