Done something really stupid!

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I think I may have done something really stupid! I made a tapas dinner, one of the dishes was prawns (the precooked pink ones) because tesco had two packets for £5. And I didnt even think!!

(mixed mayonnaise with cayenne pepper and lemon juice, so lush as a dip with cold prawns)

If I am pregnant then it's only about 4 days, but I have heard you are supposed to avoid shellfish at all costs!

I googled to see if it was as bad as i heard and top of the page was:
'shellfish contain high amounts of heavy metals like lead and mercury, which can cause brain damage in the unborn and has been linked to autism'

Ahhhhhhh! totally freaked out now! Feel like barfing them up. Should I?
At 4 DPO the egg wouldn't even be implanted yet so there would be no blood transferred between you and the baby, so no risk what so ever. Google is suggesting later on in pregnancy. Don't panic and I hope you enjoyed them :)
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No! Don't barf them up. How many did you eat? How pregnant could you possibly be? I doubt the amount of heavy metals that could potentially be in the prawns you ate would make any difference whatsoever. You would need to eat a serious amount of prawns for the levels to get high enough.

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Im sure u will be fine as people dont even know they are pregnant this early and doesnt affect them, im no expert though but its just my opinion hun dont worry yourself xx
I'm sure it would be fine hun - you are allowed to eat shellfish as long as it is really well cooked and the advice I was given was don't get it at a restaurant if you can't be sure how they will cook it but if you cook them yourself and in moderation it will be fine! So chill and definitely don't barf them up!!!! x
thanks girls - I dont know why but sudden massive panic set in! Which is ridiculous seeing as I'm on my second glass of muscadet to go with them. I have been manically googling and can not find anythign at all about cold prawns! The websites say don't eat raw (but they are not raw they are precooked) and the websites say 'make sure they are well cooked and piping hot' but you can't reheat a cooked prawn, my husband said definitely not to and he's an executive chef. Can't find anything at all about cold cooked prawns.................
Should stop worrying, you are totally right, it would be too soon to have any effect, am getting a headache! Oh dear
You can't reheat a cooked prawn? Oh. I always used them for my stir-fries. Whoops! Didn't know that before, thanks! :)

And don't worry about them! :)

I've reheated cooked prawns too! Oops - do prefer cooking with the raw ones though! x
:ignore: don't always listen to google, you'll drive yourself totally nuts! x
:rotfl: I love that ignore smiley, makes me laugh so much! You're right.

No no, dont reheat! Buy raw if you are making stirfry. Plus then you can devain them first too and so much easier to avoid the shit sack (cooking is so romantic don't you think ;-))
I ate parma ham and smoked salmon on the day I found out that I was pregnant oh yeah and had Pate! This was not deliberate I was really munchy and thats what I fancied....then I realised after Id eaten what Id done and a friend said to me "youd probably cause more damage trying to make yourself sick" I just made sure I steered clear after that
What about morning sickness? Don't babies like you being sick constantly? ;-)
mmmmmh pate!!! If I'm preggo by xmas I'll soooooo miss my xmas pate. My gorgeous o/h always gets me a jar as part of xmas food (dear love him). One of his half decent points ;-)
you will be fine hun , I ate loads of precooked super market huge prawns, (went through a stage).

The only things I won't eat are the blue cheeses,brie etc, raw eggs, eg licking spoon when making cakes! def not the pate , (going to be gutted at xmas, always buy pate and brie for xmas eve tea and box day!)
^^^ JJ we have the same tradition, love it. If I'm not PG by xmas I'll have an extra portion for you, don't worry :lol: xx
No brie????? That means no Camembert???

What do we eat with biscuits and grapes?? How will life go on......... that's it, I'm giving up this pregnancy lark......... next you'll be saying I can't have a decent malt whisky before bed :shakehead:
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