

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Is anyone taking this or taken it in the recent past?

I've been advised by the bf guru to get a prescription for it as she has observed that I don't have a very good supply, even with regular feelings, compressions and expressing.

She thinks it is liked to my pcos.

She has suggested it as yet again Henry hasn't gained a lot (3oz in 2 weeks :() & the hv just simply said "top him up" :shock:

Wendy, the bf guru, asked me how I felt about doin that & I broke down. I said if I have to I will but I don't want to. She again watched Henry's latch and positioning etc and said everything was looking good, so this is the only other thing it could be.

Wendy said Henry is a very active baby who doesn't stop moving & wriggling around so he is burning off a lot of calories & my milk supply is enough to keep him goin but not enough to fill him properly and retain and gain weight.

I'm happy to try the tablets, as the last thing I wanna do is top up if I haven't tried everything else

Wendy is gonna speak to the hv who bluntly told me to top up and explain how she made me feel and how to approach it a bit more sensitively.

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never had these tablets but have you tried fenugreek? it worked wonders for my supply

I might be wrong but I think so_hopefull got it. Dunno if she'll see this with Ella having so much reflux troubles. Maybe worth a pm. Xxx

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Isn't that a med for reflux in babies, as in the one to stop the vomiting and expedite digestion?? Is a side effect boosting milk supply in nursing mothers?

Have you tried oats/fenugreek?

:hugs: hope you can sort it xxxx
Howany do u take n how many times a day? Can get 200 for £12 in h&b but how long would they last?

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It's primarily used to atop nausea & vomiting but a side effect is promoting lactation :)

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2 or 3 fenugreek 3 or 4 times a day til you smell funny basically
I heard with fenugreek u take enough that your sweat smells of maple syrup. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time!

Why do they think your supply is low? If it is just based on his weight gain, it isn't a good measure. He could just be naturally skinny. K only puts on 1-2 oz every week or so. She is 11lbs 9oz at 19 weeks. The doctors tried to get me to top her up for weeks, but she refused. Finally after a while, they decided she is just naturally skinny. If Henry is happy and is meeting his milestones, and is satisfied after eating, I wouldn't worry. I did take domperidone and found it didn't do much. I took fenugreek and noticed a difference. I took 4 capsules three times a day and smelled like maple syrup!
Also, it is very hard being told your don't have enough milk to satisfy your baby! It was the most stressful few months for me. If you do end up needing to top up, don't feel bad or guilty. Just don't rush to do it. Not all babies put on weight the same. Xx
I took fenugreek too, def worked for me too and I also smelt of maple syrup lol! Do you eat plenty of oaty things? That helps too, i used to live on homemade flap jacks!
They think it's linked with my pco as it can affect ur milk supply.

Gonna try the tablets n see how I get on. He is happy and active. This week he started rolling & foot munching so he is meeting his milestones.

I trust Wendy wholeheartedly so I'm gonna go with her suggestion n see what happens. If it does nothin/very little I'll leave him. I'm only gonna top him up if he starts lagging behind or is cranky all the tone.

He gained well up until 6 weeks when he was 11lb 7oz. Now, at 16 weeks, he is 12lb 6oz so he's put on less than 1lb in 10 weeks.

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