

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
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LO has suddenly discovered babies/dolls this month and goes crazy trying to pick them all up, poke them, carry them (throw them around, stamp on them etc... :roll:)
She calls them 'didis' - well cute :)

What kind of doll is good for a 1 year old? Soft cloth ones or plastic? With eyes that open and shut or fixed? Hair or no hair? I don't want to spend 50 francs (25 quid) on one so if you have any ideas let me know and my parents can bring me one over here :)

She hates ones that cry and make noises etc (funny that....)
We have several cloth dollies with wool hair and printed faces... they get hours of fun out of them... lil miss has loved dolls almost from day one. :D They can easily be chucked in the wash too....
My first doll was a cloth one too that my mum made. I still have it so maybe I'll dig that one out of the loft. I think you're right, anything that can get thrown in the wash is perfect.

Does Lil' miss call them anything yet?
Just neeeeeeeeeeeeee when she picks them up :rotfl: :rotfl: I don't think thats her calling them anything though but we call them dolleeeee so she might be trying... :think: she can sign dolly now so usually she just signs for it... her favourite toy is a moomin troll... and she say "nin" when she sees him or the painting I did on her walls... so that one has deffo been named :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thea loves her "baba's" she has done from an early age. Her first one was an early learning centre rag my dad brought over for her. I think it cost less than a tenner and its a chuck in the machine washable type.
my dad bought emma a baby annabel soft body when she was smaller and she hated it then we bought her a cheap plastic one really rigid and sat it next to her (before she could sit unaided) and she started copying it and thats how she learnt to sit lol. now she lovels babbas. i think its trial and error as to what your LO will like :D
Summer has a couple of dolls. She is obsessed with anything that looks like a baby!
She is always saying baba when she sees a pic of herself and even her own reflection.

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