Doggy woggys!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Me and Alan should *touchwood* be moving soon and since Alan has been offered this new job i will be able to be a SAHM :D And we will get a place with a nice big garden, and we have both always wanted a dog but not found it feasable with working it wouldnt be fair. So now if we move it would be an option yey!!! and also i would have peace of mind at nights when Alan is on shifts cause i get really scared and find i cant sleep, and looking up at smudge flat out at the end of the bed dosnt give me much peace of mind lmao!! :rotfl: bless him. And i used to work in a kennels when i was younger, i absolutly love dogs, and cats, well i love all animals and i would turn the house into a zoo if i was allowed lol.

I love Boxers, i used to have one (called Rocky, original i know). Alan has always wanted an Alsation, but we have both decided we like rottys, they are big softys unless brought up otherwise and have a natrual instinct to protect their family so a good watchdog too.

So which one would you go with? If we got a dog it would be from a puppy as then he/she can be bought up to get on with children, and with a good sense of social behaviour and tought what is wrong so he/she dosnt end up overprotective/violent so restricted puppy playfighting etc.

cas xx
im not a fan of pets. but i did have a bulldog (Billy). he was boring though didnt even walk he was so fat
dionne said:
im not a fan of pets. but i did have a bulldog (Billy). he was boring though didnt even walk he was so fat

:rotfl: bless him....
Personally i dont like Alsations. They are long haired, and im never sure about their temprement. We used to have a Rotty when i was a kid. She didnt really like me, and couldnt be doing with any kind of play. Although she never growled or worse she was always so serious lol....fantastic house dog though.
I dont know much about Boxers....they always seem a bit brainless lol.
I have a Staffy, she is amazing with children. She lets my SS climb all over her and loves Charlie so so much. They are nicknamed the 'nanny dog' because of this nature. If you want a family dog id consider one.
I know a lot of people dont like dogs with children, and it is a 'each to your own' topic i guess, these are just my thoughts.
Good luck with your choice!!!! And the move x
My parents have a collie cross alsation & she is the loveliest dog I know. She's so gentle & will always do as she's told first time. She's also very protective of Jamie & always goes to check that he's ok. Very sweet.

I guess alsations are good dogs otherwise police wouldn't use them?

I don't know about the others tho.
Id have to say boxers hun out of those.

Im not really into large dogs though, we will get a West Highland Terrier as soon as I can twist OH's arm, and when we get settled in our new place.
Boxers are supposed to be great with kids.

We want to get a dog eventually, I'd like a chocolate lab, but OH wants a boxer.

I grew up with an alsation, he was COOL!

I think it totally would depend on the dog and the breeders....Labradors especially now you have to check it at home cos so many of them are born in breeding farms...bred not for temperament but for money :(

Found a good link about boxers here

Boxers and Children
With its youthful exuberance and affection the Boxer makes an excellent pet for families with children. From personal experience, the breed seems to have a sense of gauging the size of a child and toning down its level appropriately. Although in most cases the Boxer makes an excellent pet for children, a potential owner should always research the breed before deciding on the proper breed for their family. For instance the Boxer is a large dog and could cause problems for infants and young children by knocking them over by accident.
I've gone rottie, my dad kept them when I was younger so I am biased. Big old softies if they're treated right :D
cassi said:
And i used to work in a kennels when i was younger, i absolutly love dogs, and cats, well i love all animals and i would turn the house into a zoo if i was allowed lol.

I love Boxers, i used to have one (called Rocky, original i know). Alan has always wanted an Alsation, but we have both decided we like rottys, they are big softys unless brought up otherwise and have a natrual instinct to protect their family so a good watchdog too.

So which one would you go with? If we got a dog it would be from a puppy as then he/she can be bought up to get on with children, and with a good sense of social behaviour and tought what is wrong so he/she dosnt end up overprotective/violent so restricted puppy playfighting etc.
cas xx

Difficult... Rotties and GSDs/Alsatians can be very dangerous dogs if not handled correctly and trained right from the start.
Working as a veterinary nurse for the past 10 years i have seen both extremes of most breeds i haven't seen the stupidest gsd and rotties you can imagine, and i've also seen the extremely aggressive.

Speak to breeders in your area, find a breed club and speak to them they will know good breeders. expect to pay around £500 plus for a good quality bred dog.
Boxers are quite good with kids but their ownly dog fall is that they are prone to eye and skin problems.

Please research your breed, and choose very carefully and be prepared to put in alot of training and time to get the dog how you want as they are all very powerful breeds.
i chose a boxer as i absolutely love them. but have they got a long life span? Rotties are lovely to and it would be great to raise one with your family, but if you tend to have a lot of people in and out, not a good idea, especially as your kids get older and they have friends over.

why not go for an old fashioned Heinz 57. i always think a x breed is a good option.

i would love a dog but our house is too small.
I have had a boxer before he lived till he was 12, and Alan has had an alsation before. But it wasnt his, he has always wanted his own. I know i will have to bring them up properly, as i put in my first post, i am also quite experienced with Animals so i dont feel i should have too much of a problem.

I will do some more research on them and see which one fits best.
Thanks for the helpful replies.
cas x
I've gone for rottie, my dad has had rotties all my life, and they have been big softies, great with kids, and as long as you show 'em who's boss from the start they are fabulously protective! My dad leaves his door unlocked, he lives in the middle of the countryside, and no one dares come up the drive cos they've seen Jack stalking the grounds!
My brother has a boxer and she is gorgeous. but my dad has also had Rotties and they are the soppiest dos I have ever come across. I'd rather sit on floor with two of them climbing over me than my cousins chiuhaua(sp?)

so either boxer or rottie i love both of them.

I voted boxer because they are sweeties but if you asked me to choose the breed i would say Bull Mastiff. Baileys is the stupidest dog ever but she is so sweet natured and great with little kids.
My MIL has a boxer and she is great with my 4 nephews and they aren't the most placid of kids beleive me, they give her a terrible time but she just lets them get on with it!

So out of those dogs i;d say boxer, but my personal opinion on dogs that are good with kids would be a labrador, excellent dogs!
I think they are all lovely but has to be an alsatian!! I have a 2 year old alasatian called Princess. She loves kids and is really loving. I agree that we have been lucky as I am sure her Mum and Dad must have had something to do with her sweet nature but also we read lots of books on German Shepherds before we chose. She loves children and her family. Even as a puppy we never had any problems, she never chewed anything she wasn't allowed because as soon as she picked something up we said no and gave her a toy, even now she knows what toys around the house are hers and what aren't. She was fully housetrained by 10 weeks old. Also I don't know if this is common with all alsatians but she comes back whenever she's called off lead, in fact she's always very obedient and goes to lie down when people are eating and sits at the kerb when she reaches a road etc.

On a more negative side she does malt a lot of hair after the winter (but she's worth it and a lot of boxers dribble!), she likes a lot of walks, she digs up the garden if she is out there alone and she'll jump in anyone's open car because she loves to drive (most people think this is really cute though)

Here is a pic of my little Princess: ... 511298.jpg
aww she is stunning skatty. That is good training! I am such a worrier i think the thing i hate most is the first time off the lead outside of the garden, it took me ages to let smudge go out lol...he is out at the moment but i just look at the window and he has made it as far as the back garden and he has been there sleeping and looking like a little jungle cat for the past 3 hours or so lol!!

Im just waiting for a picture of a certain little white dog in a pink hoody to turn up on this topic lol :rotfl: im surpirsed it hasnt yet!! hehehe
labradors or golden retrievers are lovely!
i had 2 labradors when i was a child they were great with me and my lil sister!
I would not chose any of these dogs if I had kids- I have saw too many nasty ones from all those breeds- they can all be quite tempramental.

I am a vet and have saw a lot of problems with all three breeds and children so please be careful if you do get one of those breeds!

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