Doesn't want her bottle - really worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I don't post as near as much as I would like cos I work on my art in the evenings when Nicola has gone to bed but I am really worried and need some advice

Nicola has been on three solid meals a day for well over a month now and I haven't really increased the amount she has at each meal but she is really going of her bottle over the last week or 2.

It has dropped to this about a week ago was having 3-4 oz on waking then wouldn't have any brekkie til 9. Then 4 oz at 11ish. Lunch at 12.30. 4oz at 3. dinner at 4.30 and 4 oz before bed at 6.30

I have tried dropping a bottle, stretching time between feeds (which is hard cos she gets up at 7 and wants to be in bed by 6.30) and nothing works.

If I give her less for lunch she just wants her bottle sooner but takes the same amount.

Today has been even worse she has only taken a total of 12 oz's and I am getting really worried about her milk intake.

I don't think it is teething cos she still loves her solids, but maybe sucking on the bottle hurts more?

Any advice will be greatly aprreciated.

Sounds just like my LO. Look at the thread further down this page asking 'mums with babies 6 months old' what their kids eat/drink and you will see that my Kate is exactly the same as Nicola. I too am at a loss as to what to do as she loves her food but will just mess about with the bottle and refuse to drink it. :wall:
Its so frustrating. I really don't want to make to much of an issue with her over it as it will make it worse but I can't help it. I will read that thread and see if it gives me any ideas.

Let me know if you have any success and I will you if i do
Do you give your LO a cup of water with their solid meals? Do they drink this? Maybe put some milk in the cup that you are giving them?
I give Kate a drink with meals, I will try giving milk then instead of juice. I am wondering whether she is getting frustrated by the teat on the bottle, cos obviously the juice comes out the beaker really quick and she is used to it now. I did just buy the 6 month + fast flow teats yesterday so will see if that makes a difference. Is it ok to give her milk out of a beaker instead of a bottle then? (apologies if thats a really stupid question-just wonder about her getting wind that way and sicking it back up!)
She doesn't take water so I have to give her juice and even then shes not impressed. Maybe I should try and give her milk in a bottle after her meal.

She woke up at 6.30 today and did drink 6 oz which is unusal. She has just whinged for her bottle now and drunk 2 oz before pushing it away.

Maybe I am being relly stupid and she doesn't want her bottle its something else.

But I checked her nappy and tried her with a nap and she doesn't want those either :wall:
Just browsing and spotted this post. I have had a similar problem but it has happened whilst trying to get her onto bottles from breast feeding. Our solution was faster teats, it's worth a try. Basically, I think they get bored of sucking and sucking and not getting much milk.
Hungry little munchkins!
Good Luck.

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