Does your LO have a comforter?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I wasn't going to give Jake a comforter because I think it will be hard to take it away from him when he is older and OH wasn't keen on him having one full stop as he thinks it's a girly thing :roll: . Anyway we ended up giving him one because he settles so much better with it. If we go out without it he finds a label on something like his fleece jacket to play with instead (he isn't bothered about having the same comforter all of the time as long as he's got one). I have just ordered him a taggy blanket for christmas which i'm sure he will love. I was just interested to see how many other LO's have a comforter.
Ella has her two 'bubba bears'. Original bubba is a nice shade of grey now (instead of pastel pink!) and replacement bubba bear is now needed as much as the original. So we have two to hunt for at bed and nap times :lol: I love it that she has her special bears though, it's cute. They're just Ty pluffie beanie bears :)
When Sophie was little she had a bear that went everywhere with her, and when she lost it one day in the metro centre i was gutted. lucky for Sophie emma28 had the same bear and gave it too Sophie all is weel. So when i had Alastair i said he is not having a comfort at all, i cant go through the stress i do of not knowing where bear is :rotfl:

anyway not sure how this happened but Alastair has a blanket we call it blankie and it goes everywhere with him and he will not go to sleep without it :rotfl: but it is really cute when he is tired he brings blankie over to us awwwww :hug:
We were given a comfoter and DD went to sleep with it really well one night when she was about 5 weeks old - we soon realised that this was because we didn't give her a dummy and she was desperate to sook something.

We now give her any old (cleanish) muslin cloth lying around which has usually been used for feeding so smells of milk - she loves them and pulls them right over her face to sleep - scary, but she's fine. Somebody told me she sleeps like that because she's breastfed, nuzzling into the cloth, reminds her of nuzzling into the breast.

I'm not fussed about the weaning her off it thing - I had a blankie until I was about 14! (However did need orthodontic work, so maybe should rethink that one! :rotfl:).

Basically she uses one when she might have used a dummy. She has started to pull up her skirts and use them too - I keep telling her its not nice to flash :rotfl:.

Valentine Xxx
Aimee and Nathan both have a blanket. They are really soft fluffy ones and we have about 10 of them so we don't have no problems washing them. Aimee used to drag hers everywhere but now its just for bed. Nathan only has his in bed too now.
when jack was a few months old he would suck the label on any thing!!!! so my friend bourght him a taggy blanket for his 1st birthday, he loves it and wont sleep without it, but when he gets up we leave it at the end of his cot. i dont think it does any harm ,most babies have a form of comforter either in the form of a dummy or teddy or blanket.
:D Hi

Joanna has a comforter and it's the silky blanket that came with her snoozy bear and she's had it since she was newborn and she ain't going to giving it up for a while yet and she's two in january. I spoke to my healthvisitor about it and she said joanna will give it up when she's ready. I try and make sure Joanna only has it at night or when shes poorly but recently she's got very attached to it. She has both her silky and a dummy when she goes to bed.
Austin has his hippo to go to sleep with at home but we don't ever take it out of the house & he's quite happy to fall asleep without it when we're out & about. He won't sleep without it in his cot though, he knows the difference!
does someone on here do the taggy blankets? i'm sure i remember reading it somewhere and can't think who it was, i think they are a great idea as luke too loves the tags especially on his muslin cloth!!
Libby doesn't have a comforter really, she loves the tags on things though & only falls asleep recently if she hanging one hand off the cot bumper (so cute!!) so maybe thats her comforter.

Rusks: I got Libby a taggy blanket off ebay, it is absolutely gorgeous, I am sooooo pleased with it, and it is personalised with Libby full name & DOB which the lady added for free......I'll pm you the link, as can't rememeber the sellers name, so will hunt it out on my ebay account :D
thanks emmylou i have ordered one from her, can't wait til it arrives x x
Gemma & Jake said:
I bought Jake's from e bay and it is gorgeous.

I think mine is prob from the same lady as you hun, she does such a fantastic job with them doesn't she!! I was so impressed when it came the other week, much better than I ever imagined!!

My DH even wanted me to get another one, as he thought it looked too nice to let her use it :lol:
Aaron has a monkey called Bubba, he named him himself and he decided he was his fave and that was that. I never gave him a comforter it was all down to him :lol:
Emmylou said:
Gemma & Jake said:
I bought Jake's from e bay and it is gorgeous.

I think mine is prob from the same lady as you hun, she does such a fantastic job with them doesn't she!! I was so impressed when it came the other week, much better than I ever imagined!!

My DH even wanted me to get another one, as he thought it looked too nice to let her use it :lol:

This is the one I got for Jake. It is so lovely and very well made. The lady has lots of different designs if anyone else is interested :D ... dZViewItem

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