Does your baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Have something they do to help them sleep? From day one Sebastian has loved hair! At bedtimes when he has his dummy his hand immediately goes to his hair and he strokes and tugs it and at nap time when I cuddle him he seeks my hair. If its tied back I usually untie it and as soon as he has a handful of hair he's away! He's currently fast asleep with a massive handful of my hair! So do your LO's have anything similar?
Kynon is a hair lover too! Very early on he had his hand on the back of his head touching his hair. It was kind on funny for a while as he would accidentally pull his own hair and be screaming until we prized his hand open! He's learnt not to do than now! He also sucks his thumb and holds a cotton bib of all things! I've tried swapping it for a blankie but he prefers the bib!
owen has a bunny teddy comforter which he attached to through his own choice, he had loads of others but since about 9 months bunny is the one! we once left it at home when we went to stay with the inlaws for the weekend, poor mite really struggled to get to sleep :(
joshua loves his hair. When hes in bed hes always stroking his hair! so sweet watching him! he has a dummy with him as well but hes not interested in blankets or teddys! x!B,KukEwBWk~$(KGrHgoOKjQEjlLmWWZMBKqRZzOnFw~~_1.JPG?set_id=8800005007

does this link work? this is the beloved bunny!
Glad to see Sebastian's not the only hair lover :) minchin-that link didn't work :(
saying that though joshua will NOT sleep on us. Whether we're walking or sitting or anything he will not do it!! x
Sebastian will only sleep on us at nap time at bedtime he point blank refuses!!
Grace puts her hands over her eyes


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oh my days that is soo blooming cute!! x
Even during the day she kind of puts a hand over as if she's shielding her eyes from the sun lol
Aww Grace is such a cutie!

Unfortunately, Lizzie uses her dummies - she goes to bed with three, one in her mouth and one in each hand. She giggles when she sees them in her cot, they are her favourite thing! Dreading having to take them away from her but she only has them to sleep so no-one really knows how addicted she is lol :)
Aw bless her! Sebastian has his dummy too and until I mentioned trying to stop the dummies none of our friends actually knew he had one as he only has them for sleep times! Lol x
H has always liked to have his head next to something soft and has become very attached to one blanket that he has to hold when he goes to bed. He's ok when I wash it but if he seers I've got it he'll say ta ta ta till I give it to him.

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