does this sound like implantation bleeding?


Mar 9, 2008
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i am on cycle day 88 (AF has been gone some time) and last night after BD i wiped (sorry TMI :oops: ) and there was some blood. There wasnt a lot but enough for it to be noticeable. There was a tiny bit more this morning and during the day but very tiny amounts. There has been nothing this evening.

Could it have been brought on by BD?
Or could it be implantation bleeding? Because AF has not been for nearly 3 months i dont know if or when i ovulated but i am hoping we have somehow managed to catch it.
I havent got any sore boobs or anything.

For those of you that have experienced it before. Did you get a BFP after implantation bleeding and how soon after?
I'm not too sure hun but I got implantation bleeding after my BFP and it was more brownish.

Have you been to docs about your irregular af?

Good luck :hug:
i have no idea about the af thinggy however i had a implantation bleed with my son however i was 16 then so its a logn time ago but i rmeember it being a bit of brown discharge in my pants for the one day then about a week or so after i got my bfp (i think that was right but remember i wasn't expecting a bfp being the age i was)
quite a while ago i used to bleed after BDing ( i had the implant and had irregular bleeding anyway) so it is possible the Bding just caused u to bleed. or could have dislodged some old blood? how come ur cycles are so long? have u done a HPT? other than that it could be a IB! good luck anywya

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