Does natural child birth get easier after the first?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Ive had a C-setion and a natural.

I found my first natural very painful.

Does it get easier after the first?
What is your experiences ladies?
NOPE! lol
I have had 4 VB and each one was just as painful! My 3rd and 4th labour were longer than my 2cd so they didnt get quicker either!
With my last (Lola-Mae), I did progress a little faster (dilating) but I think that was helped by the raspberry leaf tea I had been drinking!
I think I dealt with the pain slightly better this time but only because it was familiar and I kept on telling myself 'you got through it last time, you can do it again' The pain and the births were almost exactly the same
My 2nd VB was horrific so no! My 3rd was a lot quicker but no less painful.
Overall I would say it was easier second time around.

Labour was much faster and more painful! But I coped OK because I knew what was to come and my DH was fab at supporting me. Recovery was much easier and quicker than first time around.

Good luck!
I started naturally with my first @ 40+13 but it was a VERY long and hard labour and I tore pretty badly. My second I was induced but it was much quicker and it didnt seem as harrowing, plus I didn't tear (well a tiny bit but it wasn't worth a stitch the midwife said)
my seond was a load faster then my first, and I healed so much quicker - but it seemed to get more intensive a lot quicker. The second stage was a lot faster then the first stage.
Mine have certainly got quicker but not necessarily easier. I think I've coped better with each one because I've known more about what to expect and what I can do to make it better. Every labour has been quite different and I am lucky that I have fairly easy labours (so far). I am definitely more confident about standing my ground on things and about trusting my own body. That said, I am still nervous about this baby getting out - mainly because number 3 was 10lb and got stuck at her shoulders.
My sencond labour lasted longer than my first and I found the contractions alot more painful the second time around.

The pushing though was much easier the second time and didn't hurt half as much as the first time.

Recovery after my second was also alot quicker and I only felt sore down there for a couple of days after giving birth. It didn't even hurt to pee this time lol because I had no grazing like last time.
Interesting as I'd always heard that it gor easier which seems not the case.
My second labour was the one that hurt me the most lol!
I was more prepared for the onslaught that is labour this time round... i wouldn't say it was easier.. and well it was far more painful because I didn't have any drugs this time round :rotfl:
like beanies mine was quicker, and pretty intense as i was only in established labor for about an hour..and i only pushed once lol..i didnt feel the 'ring of fire' with charl but booooyyy i felt it with ted.. and the afterpains kill on your 2nd.. thats what im dreading the most if we have another..

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