Does anyone still get the occasional "stabbing" pa


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I am just over 17 weeks pregnant. Is anyone else also getting the occasional lower stabbing pains that take your breath away they are so sudden and sharp? Please reply if you are...there is no blood or further trouble and they only last for about a second. Thank goodness, they happen rarely BUT they bloody hurt!!!!!!!

Is is normal? Is it common? Anyone know what it is?
Hi Julia

When do you get the pains? Are you sitting, walking, leaning over etc? I sometimes get a sharp pain in the lower part of my bump when I've been walking for a while and my MW said this is the ligaments stretching.


26 + 1
Hi julia,

Yeah, I get those sometimes too. when i last saw my midwife shw asked if I was getting them and said it's just everything growing and that the baby is moving up and stretching things and is a good sign that everything is normal and progressing well, it's only if the pain last along time should you worry & consult your m/w or doc. It's scary when it happens but after what the m/w said i haven't really worried about it.

We bought a doppler so whenever I do get a bit worried I just listen to the heartbeat and I feel alot better.

Take care.

Nicki.x :D
Julia hun

all the aches, pains, trapped wind, headaches and everything else is normal throughout pregnancy babe, i think by you stressing so much you prob will make yourself feel worse,

chill out and enjoy your pregnancy :)
I was getting all sorts of prodding/stabbing/stitching type pains, but don't seem to be getting it as much now.

We went away for a romantic weekend about a month ago and I could barely walk all weekend. It was really painful.

Had my midwife appointment last night and everything is just right.

I did hear that all these pains are very normal in 2nd trimester people.
Thanks Girls

You are right, Layla, I should just try and relax and enjoy my pregnancy. I just expected to feel nothing all the way through - which realistically is daft!!! I suppose it is just reassuring to know I am not alone. That is a good idea Nicki to buy a doppler - anyone know how much they are? If I buy one, I will probably have it permenantly attached to my growing belly!!!!
How you feeling today?
We bought ours off Ebay for £65 I think. Quite expensive but well worth the money in my mind, think i'll go and listen to her/him now!!

Nicki.x :D

It won't be long before you start to get the kicking which gets more and more regular. :D

Once you get to that stage (not too far now!) you will get regular reminders throughout the day that everything is just fine! :D
Thanks for the replies,

I am feeling so much more positive now. Any aches/pains I am having, I am just saying to myself that it is completely normal. The headaches have subsided (hope that they will stay away). I am not sure if I can feel movement - sometimes I think it is wind but other times I am sure it is movement because I don't actually break wind after TMI (which I normally do if it is wind :oops: ). I am enjoying buying new maternity clothes - that is the best therapy! Having my hair done tommorrow and maybe a shoulder massage!!! I am spoiling myself.

Came home last night to discover DH had been on the naughty web pages on the computer - went into orbit!! BUT then this morning realised that we have not had any "fun" for nearly 5 months...still not happy though! I am just letting it go over my head...

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