I've been getting sharp little stabbing pains, but really deep inside me, if you know what i mean. It feels a bit like a sharp needle being stuck inside me. It doesn't feel like period pain, it's lower down and i can't explain but feels like its actually IN my lady bits. I've had it a few days now, on and off.
It seems to be worse at night too. Had it last night, but this morning it's hardly there. Anyone else got this weird little jabs? Sometimes they also feel like they're in my bum!
I've had so many twinges and weird sensations i just never know what's normal!
Other than that i'm fine. Still sick as a dog at night, and with boobs the size of balloons (which is soo not me). ROM / anyone else with night sickness - are you still feeling ill at night, or did it pass yet? I'm so tired of being awake half the night!!
It seems to be worse at night too. Had it last night, but this morning it's hardly there. Anyone else got this weird little jabs? Sometimes they also feel like they're in my bum!

I've had so many twinges and weird sensations i just never know what's normal!
Other than that i'm fine. Still sick as a dog at night, and with boobs the size of balloons (which is soo not me). ROM / anyone else with night sickness - are you still feeling ill at night, or did it pass yet? I'm so tired of being awake half the night!!