Does anyone else have Raynauds syndrome?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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If so how is/has it effected your pregnancy? I had alot of really bad pins and needles in early pregnancy and would wake up a number of times in the night with whichever side I lay on totally numb I mentioned it to my midwife and asked if it was normal she said she didn't know I should see my doctor which I was going to do but it got much beter so I wasn't too concerned. The last couple of days I have been getting that tingly hot almost painful feeling of going from going quickly from being very cold to being somewhere very hot in my fingers although I haven't gone from somewhere hot to somewhere cold it lasts for alittle while before going away and whilst my fingers feel like that its hard to write or type which I have to do for my job, and the waking up with arms and legs numb a number of times in the night has come back, I'm going to have to make a doctors appointment but wont be until next week now so just wondered how pregnancy has effected other people with Raynauds and whether maybe this is common?
I have it!!!

To be honest it didnt make ant difference to me being pregnant, I still got my pins and needles, numb fingers and toes - I did get cramp in my legs during the night but I think it is more to do with pregnancy than the Raynauds.
I have it too!

It hasn't made a huge difference to my symptoms - still get the coldness, pins and needles, numbness, discolouration, etc... only thing I have noticed is that my nose is colder than normal during an attack and the pins and needles are a bit more painful.

Again I've been having a few cramps but I think that's just down to being pregnant rather than the Reynaud's!

Thanks for replying, feel more reasured now, I have never really known anyone else with Raynauds and I was quite young when the doctors diagnosed it so im not always sure what is and isn't normal! Thanks! :hug:

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