carpel tunnel


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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my MW says tht i have have carpel tunnel syndrome, my fingers are always tingly/numb and sometimes my whole hand will go numb. well before it was just annoying but now my right hand is hurting and stiff. does anyone know what i can do to help or stop it from happening? i use my hands a lot at work so its becoming quite uncomfortable
yeah theres some thing called muscle release technique, ive had severe carpel tunnel since i was about 19, after having alana they operated on one hand, but it didnt help much

but last year ive been having this treatment done and its all cured :cheer: its about stretching ur muslscles in ur arm for just 2 secs then releasing, its lenghtens the muslce which stops it spasm and contracting and causing the pain on the median nerve in your hand.

its about 35 for an hour session but its well worth it, but not very common in UK yet. i have the DVD too as they got all the excersises for all parts of body on it, currently having it for my sciatica and it seems to be healing now,

god i sound like a sales person, but im soo shocked how well it worked i just have to tell every one lol
lol thanks, been to the docs today cos its starting to get in the way of work, she's making me an appoinment to see a physiotherapist and get splints to wear at night. even typing is killing me :( i'm glad urs is all sorted couldnt imagine living with it for years, hopefully it'll go once bubs is here
I get CTS when I'm pregnant... but apparently its not like the normal CTS.. its due to fluid retention... Where the fluid in your hands presses on the carpel tunnel nerve making it go numb....

I have hand splints but tbh they don't do squat... but it did go away after I had Tia, only to resurface occasionally when I had bad water retention, usually after taking steriods...

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