Does anyone else get occasional heart palpitations?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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hi girls,

yes - here i am again with another symptom: does anyone else get occasional palpitations? I am getting them at the moment and wonder if it is just my blood thickening because of baby...?

I am 10 weeks and 1 day!

Anyone else in the same boat??

Julia xx
Hey hun! :D
I get them all the time but thats whether pg or not!
I have noticed an increase though i suppose?
I have this really awful thing that happens in my heart that feels like a fish flapping lol, like my heart just flipped back to front!
The doc doesnt know what it is as I have never had one while on a trace but I have noticed that I keep getting mild ones of them too!?
Its in my family so Im not too worried really!

I get them a lot but i got them before i was pregnant (since my last crohns flare) I believe they have got slightly worse and i feel really breathless throughout the day. I think it does happen during pregnancy.

Claire x
That's reassuring! I get them sometimes when I am not pregnant. BUT during pregnancy they sem to increase. No need to panic then I don't suppose.

Lea - yes it does feel like a fish flipping over! Or butterflies! I have to also take a breath when I have them!

Thanks for your replies girls,

Julia xxxxxxx
Yeah they really knock the wind out of me too!
I lose my breath then get very tired! :(
Very odd but like I said, Im not too worried! :D
I thought I was just weird! I've been getting them for years, but not as bad as when I'm pregnant. When it happens, I usually cough, and it subsides. Not positive what causes it, though. :think:
Palpitations are normal in pregnancy. Changes to your body such as tiredness, constipation, stress etc can bring them on. All of these things and more are normal in first tri so it figures palpitations would possibly follow. Nothing to worry about overly.

FWIW there are a number of discussions about this in 2nd and 3rd tris if you do a search for them :) One active and recent today in 2nd tri.

I have written a long explanation about them in the past on PF (I suffer from them all the time even when not PG as well as having a heart murmur and have had numerous tests and checks while PG, and all is well) but I'm not going to go find it on the forum now sorry. Its all searchable for you if so inclined.

Don't worry about them overly. Chances are once first tri is over and your body gets back to itself they will ease off.
Yeah I get them too, and that was before pregnant. It feels like a strong fluttering in my chest, I get a bit breathless and feel tired afterwards. I've seen doctors about it who just put it down to panic attacks (I get them too, haven't had one since pregnant, touch wood) as my heart was clear when they listened to my heart sounds on a stethascope. One nurse told me to mention it to whichever hospital I give birth at, so I'll probs just let the MW know. On the whole, I feel fine!
yeh, i also got them from time to time when before pregnancy and for the last few days i've noticed them every day, glad to hear i'm not the only one! so weird cos i was just about to post this when i saw this topic

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