does anyone else feel massive?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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ok.. im almost 15 weeks.. and i feel huge! the bottom half of my tummy is massive.. i was having a bath ealeir n felt so uncomfortable..
I'm starting to feel huge. It was only a few weeks ago that I was complaining that I wished my bump was bigger so that everyone would know I was pregnant and not just fat.

I am beginning to struggle with the simple things like bending down. It's only going to get worse, like getting stuck on the toilet and in the bath. Happy days. xxx
I feel like a hippo!!!! I've been helping clear the nursery of fitted bedroom furniture today and my hips are killing me, I can barely walk let alone bend down. I don't remember feeling this big or so uncomfortable with my last 2 pregnancies. God only knows what I'll be like in another 16 weeks!!!!!!
lol.. but ur both past 20 weeks! im only almost 15! :( i was a size 14-16 when i got pregnant im probably about a 22 now! eww i fel so gross.. but then i cant stop eatting crap lol...i have been eatting some healthy stuff tho.. but those chokys just call out to worst thing has been savory foods actually.. and ive never been like this before..
Yesterday my OH kept calling me humpty dumpty and saying I looked like an egg :cry:

I started to get bigger at about 9 weeks!
lisa&alex said:
lol.. but ur both past 20 weeks! im only almost 15! :( i was a size 14-16 when i got pregnant im probably about a 22 now! eww i fel so gross.. but then i cant stop eatting crap lol...i have been eatting some healthy stuff tho.. but those chokys just call out to worst thing has been savory foods actually.. and ive never been like this before..

This sounds exactly like me. I really try to be good, as i lost 3 stone 2 years ago and I really don't want to put it all back on but i just can't seem to help myself where food is concerned. I'm an intelligent person and i know that eating crap will make me gain excess weight but i can't stop!!!! I was a 14/16 before getting pregnant (12 stone ish). I've gained about a stone and a half so far

i feel like ive got 5 footballs up my top .. feel massive already :( lol
x sophie x
i duno wether its my guts too.. i get a really achy tummy when i need a poo.. really really bad like i got the runs pain..maybe they r a bit swollen lol.. the battle againts baby and guts competing for room lol.. who will win!
Despair not hun, you are not alone. i had a belly anyway before I got preggy and now ppl are saying I look about six months gone LOL Its too awkward to bend over anymore and I can only get my panties on by lasso-ing them around my foot!

Since i was about 8 weeks I've found it tiring to move around or go up the stairs, and at night everything aches just trying to turn over in the bed!! Thanks to the sweaty spanish heat everything feels alot more uncomfortable. Sigh.. what would I give to be a sylph-like thing without thunderthighs and just a neat little bump. :|
thankfully im not the only one a monster lol...:(
i just look like i hate eaten 2 many pies at the minute :shakehead: :shakehead:
I feel massive too! Last week I thought I was getting a nice kinda round bump but this morning I just look fatter. Hubbie said to me about 5 weeks ago I looked like I had swallowed a beachball I was so bloated. I was a liitle over 10 stone before I got pregnant and I have already gained a stone and a bit. I am determined not to over do it because I had weight/food problems in the past, its hard though!

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