Does anybody understand men at all?

Amanda & Bump

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2005
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Well so far he's done alot of damage to not only our relationship but our friendship too, i got cheated on last year, he dumped my the day before xmas eve and left me very angry and very upset, nearly ruined my xmas, messed me around from week to week. I suggested keeping things amicable which i think he should be bloody grateful for...i wish i could be mean but it's not inmy nature so instead i sit back and get used as a doormat. Hate myself for having any love left for him. Financially he helps, who cares, i need emotional support which i only get evry now and then. Any special occasion, the scan, buying the pram etc is ruined by his moods. He's more hormonal than me, one minute having a go, the next he's nice as pie, then having a go again ( about nothing, he just snaps, he has nothing to have a go about, just niggly things i might do to annoy him) then nice again! Found out today i have strep B, rang him to explain and well i don't even know what he was shouting at me for, i really have no idea, so i hung up, i don't have to listen to that! Also if we go anywhere near each other he tries it on, which i don't give in to anymore as hard as it is to turn down the man you love that your carrying a child with...but he doesn't want me, i don't get it.
He's a closed book and gives nothing away but occasionally acts like he gives a shit! Anyway i'm so sorry but i feel so sad and angry at the same time and needed to let off some steam so there you have it. Does anyone know what makes these selfish things tick?? Maybe it's only there penis's after all?? haha, whoops sorry again, lol!! I do feel better now tho!
You sound like ur having a hellish time. I went through the same thing with my first born and his dad. He was so selfish when i was pregnant and i knew he was sleeping around but at the time i didnt feel like i was strng enough to do it on my own i was only 19 and really loved him (or at least thought i did) with him everything was my fault and i was so inconsiderate to his needs i mean how selfish was i for having a kidney infection while pregnant!!! :shock:
there is a lot more that went on but i wont bore you. Basically i went through the same as you, i think men feel thretened by a new arival and they cant cope with the changers in you or there environment (and sorry for genralising not all men are like that) but certain men are esspecially if they are insecure in themselves.
needless to say i had had enough just b4 my sons 1st birthday (he's 7 now) i changed the locks on the door and that was that. he still hasnt changed and he's still as selfish as ever.!!
hopefully when ur baby comes along he will change back to his normal self (it does happen my friend can testify to that lol)
Good luck with sorting things out with him, i know its a hard time and if you ever need to chat the girls on here are great
take care and good luck for the future
hope i havent waffled to much i have a tendency to do that :shock:
Thanks hun, you haven't bored me at all. He's been quite nice lately so i cant moan about him today, just a quick reply but will fill you in on details soon cos i'm off to meet him nnow.
take care and thanks agin
talk soon
I think we understand men a little better than they can understand themselves ... simple reason being we have brain cells men don't ... and the one they do have they keep in there trousers!!

The day anyone really understands a man is when the earth stops turning ... i mean if you gave them an idiots guide about there own sex, they would prob end up more confused than they were in the first place!!!

..... You can so tell god was a woman :D:D:D
So sorry you are having a bad time of it.

I could not put up with that, but that's just me.

Hope it all works out.


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