Does any one else have a "target"?

Can you feel the love in this room :) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I too would be lost without this forum. I hope we all get our BFP's together so we can all move onto 1st tri together.
Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle ~**BABY DUST**~ Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle

heres for some BFP's coming our way!! :cheer:
Oh my.... this thread would certainly bring a tear to a glass eye :cry: !

:hug: :hug: :hug:

When we started TTC a long 7 months ago, I thought it would happen fairly quickly, oh how wrong I was! I was not really worried about how old I am (I will be 32 soon) and just to add to my woes I was really upset last month when I realised I wouldn't be a mummy this year, so my NEW target is to have an early 2008 baby (the earlier the better.... i.e. - BFP for me this weekend please!!).

Before OH turns 40.....hes 36 in June so weve got a few years yet....I did set myself a target of a year when we first started TTC but as that came and went I realised that kind of target can only be damaging in the long run. :cry:

Though it would be nice to get pregnant this summer! :pray:
Iv changed my target to "before i die". Id never felt as upset/disapointed as i had when i started TTC, now i have iv realised how lucky i will be when i do have a baby. :hug: no matter how long it takes it will always be worth it. :hug:
yeah hun i agree although when TTC it doesnt seem like you will ever see your baba - thats too far ahead in time - but it WILL happen girls!!! :hug:
Wow I can really feel the love in here today, you're all making me emotional :cry:

I wanted to be PG by the time I was 30, I got BFP in January and turned 30 in March so got my wish :D

I hope and pray that there's BFP's winging their way to each and every one of you very soon :pray: :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hug's for everyone :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

When we first started TTC in October I thought it would take about 4 months, I fell first month and was in complete shock. After my m/c I thought I'd get pregnant within four month's again but this is my fifth cycle of trying properly. I did try and think realisticly though and thought I'd be happy if it happened before July because that's when my baby would of been due, but it's getting very close. I'm changing it to October, that will be a year since starting TTC.
Well my first target was to have a baby here by December 2007 - thats been and gone as i would of had to be pregant by the end of last month.

My next one is to have a baby here by my 25th Birthday which is 5th April next year so i think i have up until July 2007 to get preggers....
Well we originally had before december 2007 but thats not going to happen! So we are staying possitive and hoping we fall pregnant before April 2008.

Sorry to hear some of you ladies are feeling a little down, try and stay possitive please? I had really irregular cycles and that was getting me down but since i have been taking natural herbs things have become a little more regular so really trying to stay possitive about that. Means now i can pin point OV

Chin up ladies, hugs to you all x x x :hug: :hug: :hug:
jenna said:
Does any one else have a "target"?

yup and I am still waiting for him to hit it :sleep: :rotfl:

seriously tho', with my 3, I conceived all of them within 2 or so months of trying and expected maybe 6 months max for my 4th and last :think: but I am 11 years older now and it will be a year for us tomorrow, but now I try not to think about it like I did in the first few months which makes it a tad easier, he is having fun trying so he is happy :lol: and in no hurry :lol: I have now resigned myself to the fact that if its ment to be it will happen and at my age (36), I will just have to wait and see.

good luck to everyone else :pray:
yeah i wanted to be pregnant the first month ttc never bloody happened :lol: any month will do now :) target was before my 23rd birthday which is june...isnt going to happen....
jenna said:
Iv changed my target to "before i die". Id never felt as upset/disapointed as i had when i started TTC, now i have iv realised how lucky i will be when i do have a baby. :hug: no matter how long it takes it will always be worth it. :hug:

i used to tell myself this as well
We starting TTC in Feb 2006. Shortly after I found out my brother's gf was pg (accident) .. so my target was to be pg before she gave birth in Nov'06 .... that's been and gone. In June'06 I found out a close friend of mine was pg ... so my target moved to at least be pg before she gave birth in Feb'07 .. that has also been and gone .... then in August'06 I found out that my best friend was pg ... so once again I moved my target to be pg before she gives birth .... she is due in 9 days .. so that target has also been smashed to smithereens!! 15 months of TTC and no light at the end of the tunnel ..... :cry: :cry:

As of the end of this month we are officially giving up. At least until next year. No more please. We've booked a holiday for November and we're just going to enjoy the rest of the year without any TTC. We'll rethink next year (by which time I'll be 33!).

Good luck to the rest of you TTC'ers .... hope you get your BFPs soon.

:hug: :hug:
Bec said:
We starting TTC in Feb 2006. Shortly after I found out my brother's gf was pg (accident) .. so my target was to be pg before she gave birth in Nov'06 .... that's been and gone. In June'06 I found out a close friend of mine was pg ... so my target moved to at least be pg before she gave birth in Feb'07 .. that has also been and gone .... then in August'06 I found out that my best friend was pg ... so once again I moved my target to be pg before she gives birth .... she is due in 9 days .. so that target has also been smashed to smithereens!! 15 months of TTC and no light at the end of the tunnel ..... :cry: :cry:

As of the end of this month we are officially giving up. At least until next year. No more please. We've booked a holiday for November and we're just going to enjoy the rest of the year without any TTC. We'll rethink next year (by which time I'll be 33!).

Good luck to the rest of you TTC'ers .... hope you get your BFPs soon.

:hug: :hug:

It will no doubt happen when you least expect it, and you will have morning sickness on your holiday :puke: :evil:
Bec said:
15 months of TTC and no light at the end of the tunnel ..... :cry: :cry:

:hug: :hug: I know how you feel hun, but it will happen for us :hug:
TBH I have no target, this whole TTC business is still all new to me and in some ways feels quite unreal. I'm not sure I can actually imagine myself as pregnant, let alone a mother :D I think because of family history, it will take a long time for us - I get the feeling I'm not that fertile. My OH thought it would happen straight away, he says he has super sperm :D I like to think that I have a more realistic attitude to TTC than him :wink:

Babydust to all :hug: :cheer:

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