We starting TTC in Feb 2006. Shortly after I found out my brother's gf was pg (accident) .. so my target was to be pg before she gave birth in Nov'06 .... that's been and gone. In June'06 I found out a close friend of mine was pg ... so my target moved to at least be pg before she gave birth in Feb'07 .. that has also been and gone .... then in August'06 I found out that my best friend was pg ... so once again I moved my target to be pg before she gives birth .... she is due in 9 days .. so that target has also been smashed to smithereens!! 15 months of TTC and no light at the end of the tunnel .....
As of the end of this month we are officially giving up. At least until next year. No more please. We've booked a holiday for November and we're just going to enjoy the rest of the year without any TTC. We'll rethink next year (by which time I'll be 33!).
Good luck to the rest of you TTC'ers .... hope you get your BFPs soon.