Does any one else feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Does any one else feel like they cant ever imagine getting a BFP and being pregnant? I dont know what it is, maybe its because me and DH have been trying for a while but i just cant imagine being pregnant, or even getting a definate BFP. If it had happend stright away then things would have been "normal" and i would have just thought "yeah im pregnant" but now i feel like im going to question everything, If i get a BFP i will just be wondering WHY, what did we do differently?

DH was really upset last night, he said "im 25 in 4 weeks and i havnt done all things i wanted to do before i was 25"(he meant having a baby). I just felt so guilty and useless. Im determind to get a BFP but i cant do anything else!! :wall:

Had to go to bed really early just to keep my mind off things :cry:

hey hun :wave: im feeling EXACTLY the same as you and me and DF have only been trying for around 3 months - how frustrating is this ?

i feel like i will never get that BFP i so long for..while everyone around me seems to be getting them :x

but like everyone says (read my post 'not such a good weekend....') it WILL happen babe and we just need to concentrate on the fun part of baby making :wink:

good luck hun i hope its your month soon :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw :hug: :hug: to both of you

it will happen, just when you least expect it too :wink:

babydust to you both
weve been trying for 16 months now, and it is getting more and more frustrating every month, im sitting here with so much anger and tears inside me but I refuse to let it consume me, it would destroy me!

I allow myself a day of feeling the pain, then I close the lid and get on with things. I have a life to live in the meantime and refuse to waste god knows how many more months just focusing on one thing!

Positive thinking is the key I think :D
Great attitude GGG :D

Good luck to all of you...I have a feeling there may be a flurry of BFP's soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I feel the same as you ladies do 2. Its killing me i been off the pill now since August 06 so been trying for 6 months or so and its killing my oh has given up i think to be honest and says when it happenns it does, and i feel like there might be something wrong like i cant have kids its scars me to bits

:hug: :hug: :hug:
jenna said:
Does any one else feel like they cant ever imagine getting a BFP and being pregnant?

Hun, I know how you feel as I felt exactly the same way, but hopefully I can give you some hope :hug:
Me and my OH tried for nearly 2 and a half years before I got pregnant. Although I was convinced there was something wrong I never got the courage to go to the doctor. I guess I didn't want to deal with what I might be told. I could never imagine what it would feel like to be pregnant and thought I never would be. I had basically given up hope of conceiving naturally................then I got pregnant. I had even done an early test and got a BFN so when a week later I did another, I could not believe I finally got a BFP
I never thought I would get pregnant, but I did.
Good luck hun :hug:
Misslarue said:
jenna said:
Does any one else feel like they cant ever imagine getting a BFP and being pregnant?

Hun, I know how you feel as I felt exactly the same way, but hopefully I can give you some hope :hug:
Me and my OH tried for nearly 2 and a half years before I got pregnant. Although I was convinced there was something wrong I never got the courage to go to the doctor. I guess I didn't want to deal with what I might be told. I could never imagine what it would feel like to be pregnant and thought I never would be. I had basically given up hope of conceiving naturally................then I got pregnant. I had even done an early test and got a BFN so when a week later I did another, I could not believe I finally got a BFP
I never thought I would get pregnant, but I did.
Good luck hun :hug:

I know, my friend at work was telling me about people that had given up and adopted and ended up pregnant. Its just so hard to think positive. Im trying to do everything you should and i know that at the end of the day its pretty much luck but its so disapointing. :cry: I wanna see through belly so i can see whats going wrong :cry:
I just want to 'ditto' what Misslarue said.

1st baby we were ttc for 13 months, I went to doc she did the paperwork to refer me for test etc well that was it, i resigned myself to the fact something was wrong and i was NEVER going to have kids, 3-4 weeks later BFP...

2nd baby thought it was going to take ages to concieve again so started trying 6 months after dd1 was born, again thinking nothing was going to happen..BFP straight away!

3rd baby thought it was going to happen quickly, tried for 12 months again, got tests from doctors who said it looked like i wasn't ovulationg, again was going to refer me to chlomid and because i thought i wasn't ovulating i musthave relaxed again and wham BFP

Came off pill in on feb 4th this year knowing it was going to take ages again, wham BFP starightaway

do you see the pattern girls??? I know its harder than anything in the world to think of anyting else than a baby 24/7 at this stage but it sure doesn't help ttc. You need to relax. relax. relax

I was on another board when i was ttc 3 and was friends with a girl who had pcos and had been trying for ages, i told her to resign herself to the fact she was NEVER going to get pregnant, she just had to make it sink in and stop thinking about ttc, not even plan BD, do it when you feel like it you gotta tell yourself you won't catch anyway so whats the point in trying KWIM.. she got herself a BFP the following cycle. I've just heard from her and she was saying they DTD 'once'unprotected around O time and she's just got her BFP so there ya go, once in a cycle!!!

The months i caught we never DTD that often anyway, neither of us have a very high sex drive but as soon as i catch my sex drive (what i do have) runs for miles :rotfl:

hope this gives you something positive to hold onto

babydust, you'll get your BFP soon :wink:
I agree totally with moomoo192. I fell with both my boys as soon as I relaxed about it. I honestly think all this temping, charting and testing every single month even b4 AF is due does more harm than good. I joined FF last week then thought 'why?' I couldn't be doing with taking my temp every morning b4 I get up. It'd do my head in and OH's no doubt. Makes it more like a medical procedure than anything and takes all the fun out of it. I know thats easy for me to say as I've only been off the pill since Jan but I really do think theres something to the relaxed approach.

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