does any one count there babies movement??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i was reading a little article, where when your 28 weeks you should start to count your baby movements... and they should 10 movements in 30 minutes. everyday :?

and if not keep trying... if you still don't feel them then you should call your midwife

now things like this scare me.... and some does she does not hardly move some days.. but like yesterday she was moving around the whole day..

does anyone doe this??
I have been told i dont need to start counting them yet but when you do it is more like 10 a day not 10 in 30 mins.
Hey ladies dont want to butt in here but i had very little movements with frankie and i was really worried i had the usualy being monitored for movements etc but they told me or well asked me how many i thoughht i should feel in a 12 hr period i think it was and i said 10 but i was told now thats old hat and the only time you should be worried is if your baby's movements drasticaly change. -xxx- (dont know weither this helps or not)? :? :D
yeh.. i mean like i don't feel 10 movements in 30 minutes... only if she''s really active on that day... but i say all together about 10 movment in maybe a day...
Yeah......I think its something like 10 movements before 6pm or something like that :think: I don't know, Libby doesn't seem to sleep so i don't need to count.

I think you only need to count if MW advises you too.....obviously wouldn't hurt to though if you were worried :hug:
When i was in hospital last night they were monitoring the babys heart beat and told me to press a button every time it kicked. Im a 25 min period the baby kicked 20 times. Kicking as i type also lol
i dont keep an exact count ive heard it should be 10 per day, not 10 every half hour, but movements come in clusters, dont they? im not sure if ur meant to count each individual movement as one, or each cluster of movements as one. i assume its each cluster of movements, if its only 10 per day.
i read in a baby magazine a lasy who was worried she hadnt felt her baby kick one day so she called her mw, who told her to do "the ice-water test"- if she drank a glass of iced water and didnt feel anything after 10 minutes to go to hospital! those type of things do worry you dont they coz u think the worst.
some days my babys really wiggly and other days shes more chilled, and i do feel a bit anxious on those days. its horrid feeling anxious isnt it :hug:
I don't count but sometimes realise I haven't felt a movement for ages so give baby a poke and usually get a kick back! When my sister was pregnant with her youngest daughter she had to fill in a 'kick chart' from aboiut 30 weeks where she had to write down the times of the first 10 movements every day.
Don't they usually say 10 per day after something like 35 weeks?

Mine moves and kicks constantly as he lives in a mansion so luckily we don't need to worry about that :wink:

I did found this which is more specific as to when and how to count;

"Here's one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you'll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won't get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements — kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. If you don't feel ten movements in two hours, stop counting and call your midwife or doctor." ... /2872.html

From what mums on here have said, some babies are very active, some less active, so I think its as much about YOU and YOU'RE understanding of your LO's movements as it is about what you should be feeling :)

I think every baby is different!
I found with Kiara she moved all the time
this boy of mine is so lazy will only move if im eating or sleeping :roll: poor Bernie sat here for over an hour pocking at my tummy and only got one kick :lol:
I don't count kicks but am aware of how he moves...I know he is usually quieter in the morning once he has made me get out of bed .Then i start watching for kicks if I am worried but I also notice after he has had a few busy days he will havea quiet day ...I don't think the boys have the stamina of the girls lol
My baby doesnt have a set routine. Just moves and Kicks when he/she wants. He/she goes mental sometimes like hickups.
cloud9 said:
I don't count kicks but am aware of how he moves...I know he is usually quieter in the morning once he has made me get out of bed .Then i start watching for kicks if I am worried but I also notice after he has had a few busy days he will havea quiet day ...I don't think the boys have the stamina of the girls lol

yes cloud it's like that for me... she gets me up early then doesn't hardly move.... but some days she all over the place for the whole day and then the next day i might get about 5.... but this morning i had 10 kicks or movements bang on.... but she only really moves if i'm eating... she such a pig lol

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