Doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2008
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I recently found out that i'm pregnant which is great news. This is my first so not knowing what to do I made an appointment at my doctors - the doctor was a locum. I just came out feeling so deflated and wondered if it was just me or the doctor being rubbish.

When I got called in I told her that I was pregnant and it was good news and she literally just sat there with a face like thunder and didn't say a word! So, I explained that it was my first and that I was unsure of my dates as i recently came off the pill and my cycles were irregular. She still says nothing and starts fiddling with her computer and then mutters something about a scan. I asked how this was organised and she just thrust a scrap of paper with a clinic number on it for me to copy down. I has lots of questions that i'm worried about - I had a treatment for abnormal cervical cells very recently, family histories of endo and PND etc but she was so unhelpful. Luckily I rang the clinic and spoke to a lovely midwife and I have an appointment in a couple of weeks.

Now was I expecting too much from my doctors? I sort of assumed they might do a test or something - it feels a bit weird that no one medically trained has tested me. I've done two tests but I keep thinking 'what if they are wrong'!! I just don't know why they don't just give out the clinic's phone number when you make the appointment! (The receptionist knew). ARG!
Big congrats!!
I found myself in a similar situation as the doctor just said he wasn't specialised in the area, although felt he was more in the know due to having 3 kids himself (!!!) All he did was book an appointment for the hospital & blood tests and they take it from there. Have had no advice on so felt a bit out of depth with the whole thing until I found this site!
I know back home in Uk you can't change drs can you? That would be the 1st thing I would try to do. But imagine that once they've put you onto the midwife she takes care of everything from then on. So I wouldn't panic about the dr. use this site for as much info as you need - is so helpful. In the meantime take it easy and do some reading up before you see the midwife.
I also had treatment for CIN2 a while back and a friend of mine did too - she got preggers straight after and all worked out fine. When are you due back for your colposcopy check(assuming you will...)?
Hiya hun, congrats,

my dr didnt even want to see me, the receptionist just booked me my appointment with the midwife who was great!! try not to worry about it too much cause there is afew ladies on here who's Dr's didnt test them either.... if you have any questions then ask away cause there is always someone about to help!

This is my first as well and every time I have had a question I have came here and someone has always put my mind at rest!
Some doctors are so crap with the way they treat people at times. :wall:

At least you got to speak to someone at the clinic though and got to ask all your questions!

I think everyone goes through a stage of thinking god what if the tests were wrong etc, but don't worry as soon as you get a scan and you see your little bean you can stop worrying!
Many Doctors don't bother testing again if you've had positive tests at home. They only use the same ones we buy over the counter.

GP's tend to be hands off these days for pregnant women. It usually all done via the MW's now.

I'd not worry overly atm. When you go see your MW I'm sure she can answer all your questions.
Thanks everyone - it's just so stressful when you don't know what to do or to expect!

My next colposcopy is supposed to be beginning of nov but 5 will wait just a little closer to the time before ringing them - I'm not sure of my dates and they might still do it anyway. With the CIN3 it's just something extra to worry about! I am sure they will put a stitch in my cervix if there is any possibility of anything going wrong. It was my abnormal smear that made us take a step back and really think about what is important. Came straight off the pill and started ttc!

J x
:wave: jellyk
i have no experience of what your goin through but heres a little of what i do know, my best mate had been diagnosed with cin2 cells they done the biopsy then 4 wks later she found out she was pregnant last august, they had arranged for the colposcopy but once they knew she was pregnant they put it off and just kept a close eye on her pregnancy, she gave birth in Feb this year prematurely (all her kids were prem) and her son is happy and healthy :) so i dont worry im sure all will be ok :hug:
Hi again,

Adding to Rene70, my friend actually went through her colposcopy check up at 4 months pg(I think) although they can't treat during pg, the colposcopy doesn't harm. Like Rene said a few months doesn't hurt if it means waiting til after.
Am sure will be fine as they are brill at curing.
Hi :wave: I can't personally help you, but my mum run's a coloposcopy & Hysteroscopy clinic. So If you PM me any questions you have I can pass them on to her. She has answered a couple of questions for the girls in TTC. Although I haven't told her I'm pg yet (My sister is in Tuscany & I want to tell them all together) So I think she thinks I'm a bit weiord because I keep asking her these random questions :rotfl:
I'm sure everything will be fine, but I might just put your mind at rest :hug:
Thank you all for your advice - and LittleLambe for the offer. I will speak to my midwife and take it from there. To be honest I am not so worried about the health of my cervix, it's that my pregnancy will be healthy! All I could think about when I was waiting for my sample results after my treatment was 'what if they find something more and I can't have a baby' rather than 'what if they find something and I'm really ill'. Absolutely thrilled to be pregnant so quickly and just hoping it's all going to be OK. I suppose this is the beginning of years of worry so i'd better try and get on with it without being too anxious!
I felt let down by my doc.

she wasnt nasty or anythin but she didnt do a test and didnt say that much...

I just felt I expected too much... I was really excited to go the docs as I thought it'd make it more 'real'

Ah well... hope the midwife calls me soon for an appointment.

When does that take place??
Mummy Rich that's exactly how I felt! I wanted someone to say 'well done' and acknowledge it to make it real. Things seem to work a little differently as I had to ring the midwife myself. This was Tuesday and I have an appointment for 2 weeks Tuesday. I THINK i'll be about 8 weeks then although i'm not sure!
yeah I had to make my own appointment with the midwife and that was made when I was around 8 weeks which i believe is the norm?
I rang my doctor and they have fitted me in for today but I don't know what to expect. When I googled this query it says that the 1st appointment is a long one as they take your weight, blood pressure, check boobs, take blood sample as a test / hiv etc and do an internal exam - does this all really happen? Im nervous.. especially at the thought of an internal...
In all 3 of my pregnancies the doctor has said little more than "congrats" and "make and appointment with the midwife/get the midwife's number on your way out". It is so strange that they take your word for it - but as they say, the tests are so good these days that they take a positive as good enough.

The midwives on the other hand are (in my experience) much better and will be happy to talk through all your questions and worries and will give you lots of info about pregnancy. They often know so much more than GPs about day-to-day pregnancy stuff so def ask them anything you want to know!

Congrats on your pregnancy, and welcome to the world of parenthood - this is just the beginning!
That's terrible!!!! Silly woman, she was probably jealous!!!!

My doc was pleased although didn't ask me if I had any questions or anything like that.

I don;t think any docs do tests, they just take our word for it! x

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