Doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Hi ladies just posted this in TTC vit guess it should be in here really!!!

So due to my absent periods and frustration I went back to see my gp today. Last time I saw him he mentioned putting me on metformine to induce ovulation but today he said my bmi isn't high enough. Makes a change someone telling me I'm not fat enough! Ha!

So in the end he decide to recur mr to the infertility clinic. I thought it would be too soon as haven't been trying that long but he said as I haven't had a period for 4 months I'm obviously not ovulating and need some help.

Hobby has a semenalysis booked for 18th November and I have to go for an ultrasound then we can go see the constant and hopefully he will put me on clomid. That was the gps plan anyway.

Should be quite happy about this I guess. But can't help feel disappointed in myself. Just wish my body would do as it should and then I wouldn't have to put myself and hubs through all this clinical stuff!
Hi Spammy,

Sounds like you are getting somewhere which is good, hopefully they can try and get your cycles back on track and help you to ovulate. Did they mention the link between being underweight and not having periods? as far as I know if your BMI is low your periods often stop (and therefore you wouldn't ovulate either, don't know which way round it happens) - obviously I don't know your situation though.

I know its really difficult when you feel like a failure - it took me a long time to realise that my hubby loves me for me, defunkt lady bits and all! For ages when I lost babies I kept asking him if he wanted to leave me and have babies with someone else! of course he didn't though... I'm sure your hubby is the same. Have you been ttc a while now?

Let us know how you get on with everything xxxxx
Hi Sarah. I'm not underweight. Far from it. Have a bmi of about 27 and my gp said he can only give me merformine id my bmi is over 30.

I came off the pill 2 years ago bit didn't really start ttc until June so it hasn't been that long. That's why I was surprised he is referring me. However he tested me for pcos because of my periods going AWOL and tests came back positive.

Thanks for the reply Hun. I have only just started with all this really and have no idea in comparison to some of you girls.

Spammy xx
Hey Spammy, sounds promising! Hope you get it sorted soon! Im currently waiting to start clomid when I ever get an af! Ive heard it is really helpful so fingers crossed four us both! Xx
Hiya Spammy :)

I'm sure one of the other girls who was prescribed metformin doesn't have a BMI of over 30, she looks pretty fit and slim to me anyway in all the photos she's posted, but maybe it changes per PCT. I would double check the guidelines though.

Don't feel disappointed in yourself. It's an illness. Would you expect other people with illnesses to feel guilty for now functioning properly? ;)

Hopefully the semen test will come back good for you :)
Good luck spammy! I am glad ur gp has referred u!!!! Yaya to that and yay to moving forward!!! So excited for u. Don't ever feel down on urself, as Louise says its an illness, one which you will beat!!! Xxx

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