Doctors and midwifes are useless!! (well mine are)


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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just thought id share it with you lot that my g.p and midwife are both useless!! :wall:
went to midwife yesterday and she measured the baby and she measured 30cm well last week in hospital i had a scan and baby measured 32cm!! ahhh! :think:
also as u know i have been itching and they thought it was OC i had a phone call off doctor this morning he now thinks i have scabies.......scabies as if! i have no rash or any symtoms of scabies apart from itching!
cor they make me so mad! :|
Oh god that terible! I would got to the hospital and get them to take a look. Thats if they are any better there mine arnt
no there not there all the same round here!!! :wall:
cant wait to have my little girl and then i can ditch them all! :)
That a really good attitued it have :cheer: I totally agree with you.
aww! :hug:

lot long then they will be a distant memory!
:hug: sorry to hear this a lot of ladies on here seem to to be getting crap support from their MW and GP. why do these people go into the caring profession with attitudes like this!! :doh:
I have to say that my care has been a little "off" recently" and it has worried me a bit... its ok for these Dr's not to care about anything as they are not the ones who have to carry these babies round and care for them after... and god forbid if anything went wrong!

I keep asking my MW questions and I get told " ooo you don't want to be worrying about that now" - But I am so reassure me!!!! lololololol

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