Doctor or midwife? Updated, its SPD :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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hey ladies, might sound like a daft question but i'm not sure who to go to?!

I've had pain on the right side of my lower back and right hip at the front... I did mention it to midwife about 3 weeks ago and she said its just things moving around which i accept will happen, but its getting increasingly worse, to the point where i was hobbling around tesco yesterday!

Who do you think i should approach, midwife again or my gp??

Thanks ladies :roll:
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if it was me, i'd call the MW first, but if I couldn't get hold of her, then i'd call the doc.

Sure everything is ok xx
I agree with Amy hun...ring the midwife see what she says. Otherwise GP.....goodluck xx
It sounds like spd hun :( tell your mw/dr hun xxx
Whats spd?? Not heard of that before...
saw the doc this afternoon, it is spd so need to sort phisio now :( she also gave me paracetamol but id rather keep off them unless it gets unbearable
Anyone else suffered with this?
Hello Hun. Come join the SPD club. I was diagnosed a while ago and have ended up being signed off work as I'm very unable to work. Feel free to PM me if you want to know anything. If the pain gets truely bad, they've put me on dihydrocodine 60mg which takes the edge off, you may be able to ask for that. :( it's a horrid thing and mine only seems to be getting worse as baby gets bigger I hate to say.

Double post... Damm iphone
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Thought it might have been hun :( :hug:

I had it with my son and think its creeping in this pregnancy, my pelvis/hips and back have started to ache now and yesterday on the scanning table I had bother turning over :(

I'm at my consultants next week so I'm gonna ask him to refer me as well :( I truly feel for you hun :hugs:
Oh no, I hope they can help you with some ways to cope and handle this
It's good the other girls have experiance of this for you tho (althought not good for them if you know what I mean)

Hang in there X
Thanks ladies, i'm not too bad at the moment... Seems to get more painful as the day goes on into evening, probably cause im sat down most of the day at work.
Sounds like your really suffering shadowolf you poor thing, hope it doesn't get any worse for you...
Mamafy, did you find with your son it got worse as you got further along? I'm hoping physio will stop it getting too bad...fingers crossed! Hopefully your aches aren't a sign its coming back for you...
Hope you find a way to help deal with it hun...goodluck and lots and lots of:hugs::hugs: xxx
hiya, just thought i would share...i had SPD with my son, not until about 25 weeks, was on crutches from 30 weeks and all the physio said was 'try not to turn over in bed'

well, this time round i started getting it back at around 16 weeks so went straight to doc's as my MW is crap. Went straight to pyhsio (different one) and she is LOVELY. Gave me loads of excercies to do although they are still painfull. I do all my shopping online now so i dont have to push a trolley (painful) on her advice. She is also qualified in accupuncture so I have had that twice in my groin and back and I have to say however sceptical i was it seems to be working...
different things work for different people though and even though i am now back on crutches it feels much better to be taken seriously. Even my consultant said we could induce at 38 weeks depending on the pain.

In short, if something hurts then try to avoid doing it x

Hope it eases and your physio is good and underdstanding, good luck and hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well xxxxxxx

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