Doctor f*cked up big time


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2010
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Had a bit of a roller coaster week. I found out I was pregnant about a week and a half ago, we've been trying ever since my miscarriage in January. Anyway, last weekend I had a bit of spotting, followed by feeling very faint and dizzy all weekend and a constant headache.

I decided to do a clear blue digital test on Friday which came out at 3 weeks +, I then did another last Monday night and it dropped to 2-3 weeks so naturally I panicked thinking it was happening again.

I went to visit my docs on Tuesday morning and told him my concerns. He took some blood to measure my HCG levels and basically told me he thought I was being very 'realistic' regarding the chance of a miscarriage coming on again, and booked me in for another set of bloods on Thursday morning to compare results. I went home feeling pretty crushed at the lack of optimism.

So at 5pm Tuesday night I called the doctor to get my blood results, still a little hopefull. Anyway, doc said 'you're HCG level is only 63 which tells us that you are pregnant but that is very low'. I was absolutely gutted. I told my husband, my mum and my sister that it looked like I was having another miscarriage.

Thursday morning I went to see the nurse to get my second set done. Just before I went in to have my blood taken, the doc came out of his room and asked if he could have a chat before I went in. Anyway, turns out they messed up my results. My HCG levels were 6389 - not 63.89 :shock: Someone had written it down wrong. My comparison bloods came out at 10,400. Shocked is not the word!!

I cannot believe that for two days I have been made to think I was miscarrying again. The last week and a half I have been up and down and back up again. I was too delighted that all was okay to be angry at them at first but now I'm utterley astounded that they could make such a stupid mistake over something so important, especially given the fact that I have been through this before and was panicky anyway! The doctor told me that this will never happen again and I hope to god no one else is put through this......

I'm back in next week for my booking in appointment and I'm going to demand an early scan (which hasn't even been mentioned). I think it's the least they can do given the head f*ck they've put me through!
Christ! Thats quite bad isnt it? I would be fumin hun. How far are you? xx
7 weeks and 2 days from 1st day of last period. Having bloods done again tomorrow - not looking forward to the wait for those results!
I can imagine! Bet they dont mess up this time. You could actually report them for their mistake. Good luck anyway xx
Wow that is really bad!!!! Good about the actual results but docs should be more careful are u gonna make a complainT?
That's awful, your results are great though, hope you get your early scan and can enjoy your pregnancy hun x
That is awful! so sorry, i would go down the written complaint route as then a review has to take place and new procedures put in place to make sure this dosnt happen again.

Congrats though, so glad everything seems ok, i'm sure they will give you an early scan :) xxx
Thanks ladies. I got my next set of blood results today, they've gone up to 19,000 so over the moon. I was meant to phone in after 5 but the Dr called me at 3pm :) I thought about the complaint route but in the same breath I have to go back there and don't want to be worrying about any bad feeling. The doctor has assured me that it will never happen again and that it is being 'dealt with internally' so hopefully that means they will sort it out!
The NHS never fails to astound me! So glad your results are good though :D hope they do that early scan for you x x

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