Do your OH's help.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Do your OH's / DH's help you out with the babies.

I think it might be because Ellis is little and quite boring but i need to nag OH to help me. I feel like a shouldnt have to ask he should just do it .... but no luck. He asked me everything, like why is he cry, is he ok etc etc... where as in my world I think "check his bum, is it his feed time, does he need a cuddle"

Sorry to brag by DH is really great with Ella - every morning she wakes up at around 6am, comes into bed with us, I boobyfeed her then he takes her downstairs and gives her her brekkie and plays with her for a couple hours before putting her down for her morning nap. Then in the evening he baths her for me. I'm really lucky I guess, should appreciate him more!
He will if i ask him but most of the time i'm happy to do it myself then i know its done propally. He's never bathed them or got thier clothes out or just got up and made her dinner. He will change her bum and play with her but that about it really.
DF is great with Olivia and Booke he misses them so much while he's at work so when he comes home its his time with them, and on his days off we share it, which is good for me and him as he gets to bond with her and i get a bit of a break!

Im sure it is probably because he is little keely, my dad wont even hold a baby because they are scared of hurting them, he was like this with all of us
My DH is an absolute star with Jacob - he helps loads. I wouldn't have been able to cope without his help and support :D

Mark was a very nervous dad at first, and because Damien to soooo long to become responsive to smiling and cooing (because he was prem) he found it even harder. He did do things with him, sometimes took a bit of nagging, but they do get better. Still won't change a pooy bum though! :lol:
Kris is great with Dior cause she is so much fun. but hes started getting more interested in harley as the ast few days hes been coo'ing and giggling. but kris works 8am-6pm so i dont expect him to do any thing when he gets in he will hae Dinner il bath kiddies then they play with daddy for a hr then go to bed but eery weekend kris gets up with them both and feeds them and plays.

but kris will not change poo nappies he cant stomach it bless him. he likes to bath with Dior though :)
My OH will help if I ask, or will change a bum without asking etc (pooey ones too!) Now he's getting more confident he's happy to bath Brody too.

Like Dionne's OH, mine works long 6.30am till 7pm most days days. I don't really expect him to do that much with Brody, I will always give him his meals etc.
He will always hold him and play with him though, and Mason too.
My Oh is ace with Jack, better than he was with Emily, but i think it's because he knows what he is doing now!!!
When Jack was tiny and if he woke at about 4.30-5.00 Ant would take him downstairs feed him change him and put him back to bed so i could sleep longer.
Now co's he works sorta 6-5.30 he comes home baths Jack gets him ready for bed and gives him last feed of the day and puts him to bed, he does this whilst i am making tea, If he ever misses it 'cos stuck in traffic or something he is gutted.

If he is not working on a saturday he get up with both Jack and Em, feed them gets them dressed and just lets me get up in my own time.

If i am tired at anytime he tell me to get in bath and chill for a bit and takes over.

All in all is really good with our kids, now if i could just get him to use a duster and the vac :rotfl:
Ooooops I pressed the wrong one I meant to press sometimes but pressed yes. Anyway.... OH does help out but only when it suits him. He wont have her on his own for more than an hour or so, and he wont have her if he is busy with something else. He wont drive with her in the car or bath her on his own cos he is scared!! BUT he does play with her and feed her bottles (not food - too much hard work!) and he has never once refused to do a nappy, that's his best point!! He says he is going to have her in the afternoon when I go back to work so we will just have to wait and see how that works out!!
Well my DH doesn't really help out much. When Katie was first born he was scared incase he hurt her as she only weighed 5lb 8oz and seemed so tiny.

He has never changed a nappy or fed her, I think the longest they have been alone together is when I have been to the shop for a paper!!!

But now she is getting bigger and you can interact more he will play with her for a short while!!!!!!

He does love her to bits though.

I had to laugh the other night as she was sat on his knee waiting to go in the bath and she piddled all over him....... :rotfl:
dan does loads with beth, but not with rubie i think the fact that she is so tiny scares him he was the same when i first had beth too. since i had rubie he has changed her bum once and fed her twice.
he wont dress her he wont bath her he is convinced she wont settle with him because she cries :roll: he came out with yesterday 'she doesnt like me' :roll:
but with beth he will feed her change her bum (pooey ones too!) baths her (for some reason about 4 times a day when im out :think: not sure why! :lol: ) gets up with her in the mornings the only thing he wont do with her is put her to bed at night coz she cries and he doesnt like it.
with rubie though i do have to nag him constantly to get him to do anything :wall:
ben doesnt get a choice it takes two to make a baby so in my mind it takes two to look after it !! But he is great and is a natural dad

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