I've never used talc on Isaac, but not because of any health reasons, just because I don't see the point, he has only ever got sore when teething's at its worse, I've never understood the 'keep them dry' idea with talc, they P in their nappy all day, I'd have thought it'd just cause a paste or get absorbed and they'd still get wet there anyway. I've not read up about the 'dangers' of talc so can't comment, but doubt there's anything in that considering baby talc is promoted from birth
I bought some talc when I was pg but it's never been opened. When my niece was younger my sister used talc and we think it gave her a cough because when she stopped using it for a week or two the cough went away. I only remembered about this after I had bought it (pg brain). I hardly use anything on Dylan anyway - I don't think his gorgeous skin needs much on it
nope have just thrown away a tub of it which I got in a baby box
It may not be a proven link and it may be over the top but mymum died of ovarian cancer at a very young age and I will do whatever I can to minimise either me or my daughter getting it.Plus I don't like the way if you tip the container up it all puffs out. Plus I am another minxy, use as little as possibleon her skin as it is just peachy perfect as it is and her natural smell is the yummiest ever
I have really pale skin as I can't expose myself to the sun... so the only face powder I can use has to be either brought in the UK or i buy the cheaper alternative...baby powder Its kept on a top shelf away from the kids... anyone with a mischievous two year old knows that toddlers and bottles of baby powder mix explosively and baby powder bed room decor isn't easy to rectify As for using it on my babies...never... they all have really dry skin... so I just bathe them in oil.. I don't even use soap as even my skin finds most soaps irritating
I used some on Joe the other night because I had lost the sudocrem and the next morning his bum was red and sore and has taken a good few days to clear up.
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