do you use family names?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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i know its jumping the gun since as were not evan pregnant yet but we havealready struggled for a boys middle name

all 3 of our boys have family middle names wich are
ds1 is george as its my dads name his dads name and his dads name and so on for like 10 generations its also ds1 dads middle name and his dads name

ds2 has william which is my grandads middle name and dhs middle name and his dads name

and ds3 has john which is dhs name as well as my dads middle naxme

well if we ever had a boy were stumped as we have used up the grand parents names now the only one that would be left would be my mums dad and she didnt know who he was so thats not an option??

we have thought of using liam in place of william or jack in place of john but thats all we have come up with would be such a shame to break the tradition as all the boys on my side have george, wiliam and john or another family name from the other side of there family in there names somewhere.

wierd thing is though the girls dont really have this there is the ocasional one here and there but my nan was one of 21 so odds are some are going to come up lol
I like your idea of going with either Liam or Jack. How about Jonathan instead of John? If you were to have a girl, it would be nice to go with a family name for her too. Could she have your name as a middle name? Maybe your mum's or grandmother's name?
My LO's name is my nanny - It is also my grandmother's middle name. My LO's middle name is after my DH's grandmother too. Like you, we like to use family names.
Good luck!
My Dh1 was called jonathan so i dont think hubby will go for that one ha ha

I think its nice to have a family name in there girls names we havent really thought of to be honest kind of expecting the next one to be a boy since we already have 3 lol
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I am picking family names for my bub me and my partner decided that since the baby will have his second name that I pick a family middle name and we both decide on a first name that way its fair :)

I have chosen

Kaila Angelic Agnew
Jackson Derek Agnew

Angelic is polish (said like angeleek) its my grans name who died a year ago on 02/05/11 and Derek is my daddies name, my wee brother already has my grandads name Charles - I dont fancy it lol!
As far as middle names go we are going for:

Xavier Joseph (after my dad) for a boy
Sofia Magdalene (after my grandmother)

I love the tradition of carrying on names in the family, Jack is a lovely name and as you have not got any other boys names to pick from it's dificult.

If you have a little girl then as Lucia suggested you can always use your name or your mums name xx
What about expanding and looking at grandparents brothers, cousins and uncles... ?
For girls what about Georgia or Georgina or Willamina as middle names? Or more modern Billie, (my oh's dad is called ?Bill and hes a William?

Like Liam for a boy

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