I'll link to my reply to your post from another thread below. I explain myself there about why I don't give my son sugary foods.
As to do I think it makes me a better parent, no I don't. I don't feel I am one up on anyone else. Its just my personal choice and my OH's also. And people who look after Galen respect it also. Like Valentine said its personal choice and while my son is still small I don't wish him to eat those kinds of foods as they are not nutritionally needed.
I have issues with ethics, animal welfare and mass produce farming methods, chemicals, fertilizers etc. I don't do cheap Tesco chicken nor do I buy KFC because of the animal welfare issues. I don't buy cod as its overfished so I try to find alternatives. I don't eat meat meals more than a few times a week. I make lots of meals using only veggies or stock from a carcass. I try to buy local veggies and fruit in season. I don't like buying fruit flown from New Zealand and so will pass over it on the shelf. I do buy fruit for son out of season shipped in but always check where its from etc. I rear my own chickens for meat and eggs, have reared pigs for their meat also in the past.
My reasons are varied and I shall try to bring up my son to be ethically aware of the food he eats and where it comes from. Same as I shall try to teach him to not be energy wasteful, to recycle, to try to not be swallowed up by consumerism and so on. I don't do it to be one up on anyone. I do it because its important to me and because I don't wish my life to be based round the latest computer game or fashion item. I am far from perfect and I am far from a green living person as I make waste and so on. But I have reasons for doing things and they are important to me.
We are not well off and don't spend in other areas. We don't take holidays (although with baby now we plan to go camping in the summer). The last big trip I went on was in 2004 to spend time in Australia as my OH was still living there. We had a very low key wedding and honeymoon and did it all for less than £500. We don't drink alcohol or smoke.
Those are personal reasons and so the not giving sugary foods is not the only part of my life and it has far more reaching roots in many other areas
Too much info and way off track, but sugar is one tiny part of a big picture for me. You asked
My reply from elsewhere