also urchin,. the first weaning post was by no means a dig.

I meant what i said, rightly or wrongly me and other bottle feeders feel inferior to breast feeders on here. That wasnt a direct dig at anyone. Its just how i feel.
Jen, I'm going out now, but point 4 of your first post here was uncalled for I think, if its a celebration thread, like you said it was, there was no need for it. It just singles people out.

4) I would never big up one group of mummies and single them out for special praise when in my humble opinion, you cant really comment on how much harder it is for one set over another when you havent experienced the life of the other set and the hurdles they have to overcome every day with their chosen methods etc.

Everyone has a different opinion, yes, but some things are probably better kept off the boards IMHO :) :hug:

Bye for now everyone... I'm off to the meet :dance: :dance: :dance:
Can we move on and get back to the point that ALL mothers on here deserve a pat on the back, as the rest of the debate is getting a little boring :bored: it has all been said before in the usual "what is best... forumla/BF" threads.

Midna has already posted saying to move on, and now this is just getting dragged out for no reason really.

Now..... everyone is fantastic, all hug and make up

midna said:
Look for what its worth your pregnant and Im shafting tired .. I think your an awsome girl and an awsome mum to james .. ok we have different approaches but it dont mean I think less of you coz of it .. mabey because we are talking through a screen rather than face to face ..some of the things I write sometimes might cause offense but are genuinly harmless in reality. :hug:

sorry I didnt see this!! Must of been the haze of hormonal tears getting in the way. :wink:

Im sorry too. I saw red I will admit it at the timing of your celebrate BF post. But I dont want to fight anymore cos I do think your fab and doing a grand job with Seed. I had a really hard time deciding what to do for the best with my little chunk and I guess thats why Im defensive of my methods - cos i firmly believe I did the right thing. Im sorry if it came across that I was saying its my way or no way cos thats not what I meant at all.

Anyways. :hug: :hug: I really need to sort out my hormones. You can also blame my DH. He is away at the mo so I have no one to take out my preggo hormones on. So I guess they really made me see red when perhaps I shouldnt have taken offence so much. Sorry.
midna said:
Look for what its worth your pregnant and Im shafting tired .. I think your an awsome girl and an awsome mum to james .. ok we have different approaches but it dont mean I think less of you coz of it .. mabey because we are talking through a screen rather than face to face ..some of the things I write sometimes might cause offense but are genuinly harmless in reality. :hug:

sorry I didnt see this!! Must of been the haze of hormonal tears getting in the way. :wink:

Im sorry too. I saw red I will admit it at the timing of your celebrate BF post. But I dont want to fight anymore cos I do think your fab and doing a grand job with Seed. I had a really hard time deciding what to do for the best with my little chunk and I guess thats why Im defensive of my methods - cos i firmly believe I did the right thing. Im sorry if it came across that I was saying its my way or no way cos thats not what I meant at all.

Anyways. :hug: :hug: I really need to sort out my hormones. You can also blame my DH. He is away at the mo so I have no one to take out my preggo hormones on. So I guess they really made me see red when perhaps I shouldnt have taken offence so much. Sorry.
I think everyone needs a giant group hug! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have waited to wean Cally at 6 months and I have weaned Seren early (before 6 months). Both ways were hard work for different reasons.

Next baby I'm waiting till they can make their own sodding dinner ;)
I sometimes feel like I'm not allowed to celebrate or feel proud of breastfeeding on here. :cry: Breastfeeding seems to be sorta frowned upon in a way... I also feel like I can't encourage people to try breastfeeding encase I offend someone because formula feeding is encouraged more as there are more people who formula feed here (at least thats how I feel)... :( Its a bit like finding the best tasting, and free chocolate in the world and not being able to tell anyone. :(

But.. I'm going to point out... and I am pretty sure that all parents on here who have biggens from 7 up... know that all this weaning stuff and feeding stuff is a walk in the park compared to Pre teen and teen angst.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
I sometimes feel like I'm not allowed to celebrate or feel proud of breastfeeding on here. :cry: Breastfeeding seems to be sorta frowned upon in a way... I also feel like I can't encourage people to try breastfeeding encase I offend someone because formula feeding is encouraged more as there are more people who formula feed here (at least thats how I feel)... :( Its a bit like finding the best tasting, and free chocolate in the world and not being able to tell anyone. :(

Nobody should fell ashamed of anything on here... we are all lovely wonderful yummy mummies :hug:
Squiglet said:
I sometimes feel like I'm not allowed to celebrate or feel proud of breastfeeding on here. :cry: Breastfeeding seems to be sorta frowned upon in a way... I also feel like I can't encourage people to try breastfeeding encase I offend someone because formula feeding is encouraged more as there are more people who formula feed here (at least thats how I feel)... :( Its a bit like finding the best tasting, and free chocolate in the world and not being able to tell anyone. :(

I feel the opposite - there always seems to be loads of threads celebrating breastfeeding (which is a good thing). Funny thing is I only noticed how many there was after I had to give up breastfeeding, think it's probably because I'm still upset, angry at myself... etc for not managing to feed her myself anymore. I find myself skipping ones titled 'breastfeeding' because it reminds me how much I miss it :cry:
drea b said:
Squiglet said:
I sometimes feel like I'm not allowed to celebrate or feel proud of breastfeeding on here. :cry: Breastfeeding seems to be sorta frowned upon in a way... I also feel like I can't encourage people to try breastfeeding encase I offend someone because formula feeding is encouraged more as there are more people who formula feed here (at least thats how I feel)... :( Its a bit like finding the best tasting, and free chocolate in the world and not being able to tell anyone. :(

I feel the opposite - there always seems to be loads of threads celebrating breastfeeding (which is a good thing). Funny thing is I only noticed how many there was after I had to give up breastfeeding, think it's probably because I'm still upset, angry at myself... etc for not managing to feed her myself anymore. I find myself skipping ones titled 'breastfeeding' because it reminds me how much I miss it :cry:

Yeah I agree. Theres even a sticky for it. There aint one for bottle feeders etc.

But whatever way, like Sarah said, no one should feel like they have to make excuses for whatever methods you use. Squig you should feel sooo proud for breast feeding cos your 2 girls are thriving, beautiful and happy.
Just like Im proud for bottle feeding on hungry baby and weaning early for exactly the same reasons.

:hug: :hug:
Jen, why don't you make a sticky for bottle feeders with whatever info or support would be useful? That'd be great. Sherlock just did one for home birth and Minxy is working on a cloth nappy sticky - we just need people to suggest what they would find helpful.

Valentine Xxx
yey ok!

That would be cool. Thanks Valentine :hug: :hug:

I will do it over the weekend and then PM you to let you know its there so you can make it a sticky if thats ok?
Brilliant - and if anyone has any other info they want to add to it, they can either PM me or you and we can pop it in.

valentine said:
Jen, why don't you make a sticky for bottle feeders with whatever info or support would be useful? That'd be great. Sherlock just did one for home birth and Minxy is working on a cloth nappy sticky - we just need people to suggest what they would find helpful.

Valentine Xxx

I think this is a great idea. I actually found/find it extremely difficult to get information on bottlefeeding from anywhere other than here so this would be a really, really valuable resource.

Squig - I actually remember thinking to myself "oh god... what are people going to think of me because I'm not breastfeeding?" before I came online to post my birth story. Now I look back on it I think it's silly - nobody made me feel like I had to justify why I made the choice I did even though I did it out of force of habit because of the way I was treated offline. The main thing I feel now when I see a breastfeeding thread is jealousy! DEFINITELY celebrate your acheivements and don't hold back on it because you have done an AMAZING job! It's hearing stories like yours that make me all the more determined to make it work for me next time (crap, did I just say next time? LOL).
Great daftscotslass, let us know if you want to add any info to it (not that I don't think Jen will do a good job, but it'd be great to get lots of input). Will mention it in the next newsletter too.

Valentine Xxx
daftscotslass said:
Squig - I actually remember thinking to myself "oh god... what are people going to think of me because I'm not breastfeeding?" before I came online to post my birth story. Now I look back on it I think it's silly - nobody made me feel like I had to justify why I made the choice I did even though I did it out of force of habit because of the way I was treated offline. The main thing I feel now when I see a breastfeeding thread is jealousy! DEFINITELY celebrate your acheivements and don't hold back on it because you have done an AMAZING job! It's hearing stories like yours that make me all the more determined to make it work for me next time (crap, did I just say next time? LOL).

Completley agree it should be celebrated - think it's a bit of jealousy that I feel as well when I hear of people who are successfully breastfeeding :oops:
Jen&James said:
Yeah I agree. Theres even a sticky for it. There aint one for bottle feeders etc.

In general though there tend to be more bottle feeding threads than bfing threads... I don't really respond to the bottle feeding ones... because they ask questions like how many bottles should my LO be having and I just honestly have no clue... its a what does the tin say scenario... :rotfl: (can you tell I'm a microwave cook :rotfl:) But it tends to be the threads where mothers are choosing to give up bfing... where to say that you should just keep at it is frowned upon and the move to formula is encouraged. :( Or to ask those who choose to bottle feed, why they choose not to bf'd is considered distasteful.. those sort of things... like to do so makes you one of these evil members of the bfing mafia...and I'm not... I've always believed a happy mum makes a happy baby...

SarahH is right of course no one should feel bad about their parenting decisions... but I feel that I am classified as one of those freaky hippy people who would rather put their kids in harms way, starve them to do the currently preferred parenting fad... :( Rather than someone who is doing the something that is of infinite benefit to themselves and their child. Also its considered acceptable to bottle feed your baby beyond 6 months... I don't think there are many bottle feeders here who have to put up with "Are you STILL bottle feeding that baby"... "he'll be clingy!"... "she'll never learn to be independent"... So especially for mothers who bf'd their babies longer than 6 months.. its an incredible achievement, because they don't just have practical strangers who disapprove.. your family and friends do to... Its very hard to go against your peers its ever so disheartening... bottle feeding is far more supported in older babies.

But thats just how I feel in general about my decision and feelings towards bf'd and how that is perceived by many people...

Plus the bfing sticky hasn't been used since November 2007 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: So it don't count... :wink: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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