do you start to show earlier in second pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey ladies how are you all?

Was just wondering if it was true that you show earlier on subsequent pregnancies after your first? Trying to keep it quiet at work for a bit as i have only just gone back after my maternity with ewan, there prob not going to be too happy about it. If it is true when did you start showing?
I think you do show earlier in your second pregnancy, i started showing around 10 weeks hunny, but everyone is different x x

I think you do although my last baby was 14 years ago and my tummy still flat. Would people at work just think you still have a bit of baby belly or were you back to normal quite quickly?
Last time i hid mine with baggy tops and scarfs, noone had the slightest idea x x

I started to show early as 8 weeks but just a bit - I can still get away with it now at 17 weeks with baggy tops - just look like I ate all the pies lol
i was woundering the same thing lol so thats cleard tht up with me too
and hi tracey :D
:wave:Linx sooooo good to see you in here!!! I'm so excited for you!! I'm just back from Disneyland Paris and I'm shattered....need a holiday to recover lol! How are you keeping?
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it depends really, im 10 weeks with my second, im only 5"5 and barely 8 stone but i dont really look any different,just look a tad bloated
im good tracey sooo glad to be here lol i look bloated too but i am only 6 weeks so its deff bloat

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