Do you feed on demand

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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..or at set intervals? I know lo is only a few days old but up until today we have been feeding about every 4 hours but today he was suddenly demanding a lot more so we just gave him when he demanded but I feel a bit like we are over feeding and there is no routine? Xx
I fed on demand, I was breast feeding though and I assume you're formula feeding - I would just feed him as much and as often as he wants at the mo, maybe do set times etc a bit later. Every baby is different and he might want more than the suggested amounts/times - saying that though I have no experience with formula feeding so might be overlooking some important reason not to do that.
Oh and also, he's so little still, don't worry about routines yet, that will sort itself out in weeks to come x
Its not possible to over feed a baby! - They puke up what they don't need. If he pukes alot then stop, if not then keep going, he obvs needs it.

I think they all kinda just feed on demand for the first week or so. He could maybe be sucking for comfort?

I bf and ff on demand! Your lo will find his own routine in time! Time changed from two hr intervals, to three or four, i could never anticipate the next feed iykwim. Xoxoxo
I fed on demand to begin with then Aiden just got himself into a routine.
Like little miss said, if they have too much they just bring it back up x
I still feed on demand. He'll normally go 3-4 hours between feeds though. Like the others have said you can't overfeed a baby, they take what they need and will puke up anything extra!
I'm still feeding on demand 11 weeks on! Guess they just eat when they are hungry/thirsty. We do have a kind of 2-3 hourly pattern though but not always!
6 months and still feeding on demand here! X

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yep, I also feed on demand! I find it much easier than listen to my little boy crying! Even if it means that sometimes I need to feed him every 30-45 minutes... If he is happy, I am happy.
I fed on demand from the day she was born until the hospital told me to wake her and feed her every 3 hours to flush the jaundice out of her system. Once her jaundice was gone I went back to feeding on demand and still do, though I pretty much know exactly when she'll be hungry now. It makes no sense to me at all why you would have set times to feed a baby - they'll let you know when they're hungry! :)
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I feed Elexia on demand, she normally feeds every 4 hours but sometimes its 3, then during the night she can go anywhere between 4-8 hours without a feed. I have noticed the longer she goes during the night the less she goes in between bottles during the day x x
We don't feed on demand we set intervals as that's what they did in special care and to be honest it helped so much . Now we know when he is going to eat and he knows too!! :) Owens never cries for food a such
I've been demand feeding straight from the start as I really don't like to have the baby crying. It's actually settled down really well and she's now got her own routine, feeding every 2-3h during the day and waking up around 4am and 7am in the night. It's really worked for me :)

Breastfeeding btw.
In the early days Brooke didn't stop eating so we fed her what she wanted when she wanted! She's in more of a routine now feeding every 3-4hours ish but I try not to stress about her feeding now. As the others have said, baby will let you know when he's hungry x
Another demand feeder here! Sometimes he can go 4 or 5 hours but more often its every 2 to 3 hours

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I have fed on demand from the start too. In the first few weeks i did wake him a couple of times for the same reason as Poppy, Thomas was jaundice but after that just fed when he started making goat noises :)

Now, he just opens and closes his mouth and looks at my boobs then starts getting all excited and laughing (goat boy noises) just before I put him on, its hilarious.

Every so often I do wake him for a midnight feed if he's gone to sleep at 6pm, but he settles back down after. I didnt start bedtime routing until he was 3 months though.
yeah chloes 10 weeks and still feedng on demand here, in the night its every 4 hours and she finishes her bottle still only 4 oz though but in the day its extremly broken especially with her feed, its a nightmare when trying to travel long distances as she likes little and often, but think some of it is that she doesnt have a dummy and finds comfort on the bottle and falls asleep on bottle, would love routine but dont mind feed on demand im used to it now lol xx

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