Do you exchange Xmas gifts?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Connie has received her first xmas present today that we opened as we had an early Xmas dinner round relatives. It's clothes and I don't like them as it's not something I would dress her in and they will only end up in the grown out of box unworn. The receipt was with them so would you take them back and exchange it for something else? They are also winter clothes which are a size bigger that wouldn't be worn until summer and then be to hot anyway. I don't like people buying clothes for her as I like to dress her in my choice. Just don't like to offend people as they've put thought into it but can't really afford to waste money as we rely on xmas/birthdays to be able to get things we need.
If its too big for her then yes I would exchange but I would probably buy the same thing but in a size smaller, if they didn't have the smaller size then I would get something different and then when I sent my thank you cards I would just put a note in to explain it was too big so you exchanged the size/garment.

If the receipt has been given then the person who bought it has provided the receipt so you can exchange it if you need.
if it was the wrong size - Yes i would exchange it. as for not liking it - i think it would depend. If it is something alice would NEVER wear, i would take it back and get something she would. If it was something she would only wear a few times on certain occasions i think i would keep it.

If it was me buying a gift i would prefer to know that my money had been well spent and the item was being well used if you catch my drift. By putting the receipt in the box i feel i would be giving my permission to take it back and change it, and that i wasn't offended.
I would take them back and exchange them, I would apologise to the person that bought them but just say they're the wrong size and that you are going to exchange them for something in the correct size otherwise they'll never get worn.

dont feel guilty as I'm sure they person who bought the gift would be happier knowing that it is being used rather than wasted
Yes I wpould, they put the receipt in there in case you need to exchange so I wouldn't worry about it.

I exchanged a couple of things Riley was bought from next cos they were bloody expensive but just not to my taste so a waste of money.
Urchin said:
I exchanged a couple of things Riley was bought from next cos they were bloody expensive but just not to my taste so a waste of money.

TBH I think the things she's been given are a waste of money, they are from Debenhams and probably around £20 so could put the money to better use as she NEEDS a winter coat.

I will take them back after Xmas :D .
Hazel said:
Urchin said:
I exchanged a couple of things Riley was bought from next cos they were bloody expensive but just not to my taste so a waste of money.

TBH I think the things she's been given are a waste of money, they are from Debenhams and probably around £20 so could put the money to better use as she NEEDS a winter coat.

I will take them back after Xmas :D .

I was given some things that were in a size DD had SOOO much of from Next for her 1st birthday. Gift receipts were enclosed, so I took them back and bought things she needed in corrected sizes and saved some of the money for some wellies and slippers when she started walking.

I had no qualms about it and would do the same again. Agree that if the person put the gift receipt in, they know this is a possibility and if I am giving a gift, I hate to think it wouldn't be worn/used.

Valentine Xxx
Iv exchanged loads of things for ellie in the past, "cute" things rather than things that were actually needed.
Theres no point keeping something your not gonna use.
What the girls have said, if the receipt was enclosed, it was so that you could exchange it if you needed/wanted to.


My cousin is very fussy with what her babies wear, and she'd always very politely ask people who were buying gifts to enclose the receipt so if it wasn't what she'd clothe her babies in, she could exchange for something more to 'her style'.

Nobody tends to buy me clothes as they know I'm my own person. I usually get smellies and stuff.
yep i would. especially if they left the receipt in the box they obviously want u to have something u like and be able to exchange if u prefer something else. x
i agree the receipt was put in for a reason! I would simply say that they were too big/small and you changed them and are very grateful foe the pressie.

If i had bought them for you i would much rather you swapped and got the use than didnt ever use the stuff!

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