Do you ever feel like you are being kicked while you are down?!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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The title says it all really, just having a moan.
A customer text me today to cancel her appointment as she needs to save money as she's pregnant. She started trying at the same time as me and we used to have a good moan about it not happening for us.
I feel like I'm getting left behind all the time :(
Sorry to moan
Hi Tanya,

Feel exactly the same. Feel like the ship is sailing and I'm in a dingy trying to catch it.

Was 4 days late, so hopful then AF arrived.

I'm numb. You're not having a moan at all!

Sorry it's not happened for you yet. When did you start ttc?

We started ttc in January. Seen lots of people get their bfp on here since I joined in may. Each month that passes it just gets harder. When did you start?
Don't know if you saw my other thread which is another dilemma!
Fingers crossed for both of us this month! Xx
We're exactly the same! Started ttc in Jan and joined the forum in May. That seems so long ago!!

Will take a look at your other thread.


i feel just the same everyone around me is getting pregnant or just had there babies including my bro who had a little boy last year and my sister in law(hubbys sis) had a little girl on my wedding day in may! now dont get me wrong i love my nephew and niece loads but i just want it to be me now! Fx for everyone that it will soon be our time.

Michelle. x
We're exactly the same! Started ttc in Jan and joined the forum in May. That seems so long ago!!

Will take a look at your other thread.


You can be my ttc buddy lol!!
Let's hope we get our bfp's the same month too! Xx
On the plus side hubby spoke to the docs today and the new drug he has to go on doesn't affect the man. Apparently they just put it in the leaflet to cover themselves?!!!!
Just the other issues with it to get our head round now.

Keep happy, keep trying. I'm with you all the way!!
Hi ladies, just wanted to pop in and say hello. :wave:

I know that feeling all too well, I joined the forums about a year ago and since then, lots of lovely ladies that I met when I first joined have flown through their pregnancies and had their babies or are in one of the Tri's now.

It's hard and you do feel like you're being kept waiting at the back of an extremely long queue and everyone else is in the express lane! :rofl:

The forum is brilliant for support from people in the same boat but if there's one thing I've learned since joining, it's that it's important to take time out, focus on something else, get and keep a hobby - anything to stop TTC from becoming the sole purpose of living. It does help make the rollercoaster ride easier!

x x
Hi ladies

I also started ttc in January... Each month it just seems like a more distant dream. Am on cd2 on hols now but when I get home I plan on drinking lots of grapefruit juice (yuk) as recommended by esperanza84 (and others) as apparently this really helps produce loadsa cm.

Good luck with everything xx

I know how you are feeling. I went to work on friday and found out that one of the girls i work with is 9 weeks pregnant and i wanted to scream and stamp my feet (yes i know very five year old but i could not help it).

I found out that they only thought about trying and not really taking it seriously and what happens she gets her BFP first month of not really trying.

I felt so down as i think its never going to happen, i also did not tell OH as i don't want him to see how stressed i am - as he might say we should stop trying!

Well i am sorry for my rant!

i hope we all get our BFP's soon and sending everyone :dust:


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