really down and upset


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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as title says really came on af sunday after convincing myself yet another month we could av done it!!

i really want to be a mommy so bad as all of us do on here. but next month we will have been trying for nearly a year. i thought i would be preggers by now how wrong was i!!!

just thinking of babies is making me fill up and i just wanna cry!!

soz for depressing thread just needed to moan
It's not depressing I know exactly how you feel. The process is so difficult and I never imagined the emotional strain on both me and my husband.... we have only been trying for three months but never in a million years did I think that it would be so difficult.

Chin up gorgeous, we are all here to be supportive of eachother and we all know what you are going through.

Have you talked to your GP about it?

my docs is as useful as a choc tea pot bab doesnt really help or give advice i thought seeing a women i would be better off but nope. i have had boold work done and all was normal as doc says oh has had sperm done he does have slow swimmers which is another challenge to add to the mix.

i am over weight to but once again i spoke to gp all she said was to go walking so again no real support. i am getting there slowly little by little!!

thanks for ur msg! hugs x x
Oh no..... sounds ever so 'helpful'....

Fingers crossed for December

:hugs: Hun, sorry you feeling so down - we've only been trying for a few months so can only imagine what it's like to have been trying for a year :hugs: can you not change your doc ? Maybe find out what her day off is and see someone else in the practice, they might be a little more helpful ? Really hoping that the 25th is your day - try n keep your chin up chick x
yer aint she just a**h**e springs to mind lol.

thanks hun!!

just av to paint a smile on and be the rachy everyone loves and get over myself really lol.

I am a firm believer in it will happen when its ment to!! just i am ready NOW hehe!!
thanks cant wait.
i thought about changing doc she is the only female one and not sure if id be comfortable with seeing a male doc as one is a mega fitty at our docs hehe (guess id look forward to goin).
Aww, I know its tough. You just have to keep thinking positively. Healthy diet for you and OH (to help with the swimmers), multivits and trying to stay as unstressed as possible (easier said than done I know!). There are always lots of lovely supportive ladies here for you to talk to - we are all in the same boat and wanting the same things.
Big hug x
Hiya, sorry to read you are feeling down. I got my BFN too and AF due to show her ugly face tomorrow. I too had a really down day on saturday, just cried and cried. I would say, let it out...makes you feel so much better :hug: xx
thanks girls i no everyone on here is brill!!
lisey soz about ur bfn.
pickle i have the vits at the ready for me and other half!! i dont wanna go down the route of ov testing as think that would put more of a strain on me and oh!!

i do how ever stay lying down for 15-20 min after bedding hehe.

any other suggestions i would be gratefull.

with my positive head back on i have brought a kinect the weekend so i will be swinging and a shaking round the living room get these extra pounds off so ill b a yummy mummy when it finally happens!! instead of a lump of lard hehe!!

x x x
Ttc is such a rollercoaster and we all go through miserable times now and then through it.
I really hope u get ur bfp soon because u have been trying for so long! It seems unfair that those toss pots on jeremy kyle just have to think about sex and they are pregnant.

Glad to hear your feeling better though.

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so ture jay jay and thanks feeling a bit more positive nw i think hehe no doubt something will trigger me off again but of wel onwards and upwards to a xmas bfp x x x
FX hun xox

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Ive bin positive this month so far but its gone today and i feel just the same as u cant believe how many people r pg n im still here 6months later!!

But i have to hold on to the feeling that one day(soon i hope) itl b my turn and i finally get to b the mummy i now long to be. Fx for all of us.

Michelle. x
Its hard to keep positive becuase theres such an important thing riding on it. Having a familiy and that changes your whole future. Of course the fears about it not happening and the long long 2 ww is enough to drive anyone crazy.
Its normal and the only thing you can do is keep trying. And let it all out here where there are a great many folks who share and understand what you are going through.

Wouldnt it be lovely to be able to wave a wand and get everybody pregnant on the forum.
Good luck and chin up
x Daisy
Sorry u ladies are feeling down, I remember it well :( It took me and my oh 9 months to conceive, felt like it was never gonna happen. Towards the end I was very upset when af came. But it finally happened and I know its hard to believe but it will for all of u too :dust: and the way I look at it is if I didn't get pregnant when I did then we wouldn't have our gorgeous Millie, it would have been a different baby, if u see what I mean lol. I'm hoping it won't take as long this time but who knows. A friend of mine went for ivf and was told that the best thing to do was :bd: every other day all the time and it worked! Turned out they could conceive naturally after ivf failed and they were pregnant in the first month! So know its abit of a drag sometimes but definately worth a go! x x

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