Do you donate blood?

I haven't previously but found out I'm O neg recently and I'm going to give it a shot when I'm allowed to (I think it's 9 months now?) after bub is here.
I used to before i had keeley and had my tattoos now i've forgotton how long i've got left till i can give blood again :?
I always wanted to but don't think I weighed enough when I was younger, then I got a tattoo and then got pregnant. Hopefully in the future though!
I used to regularly before I got rheumatoid arthritis, having received blood last year as well I was very very grateful to the person who had donated it.
trixipaws said:
i definately would, but i doubt i could as i only weigh 45kgs???

Trix I think the weight restriction is something like 8st, so 45kg is definitely under that - But I used to give blood because I'm a universal donor and they kept sending me begging letters, so i'd go along anyway. I was never over 7st but they don't exactly weigh you (Not that i'm saying thats ok to do, not at all!) I was a slooooooow bleeder, sometimes I would never give the full pint within the time limit, so my pack would just be used for testing etc...So perhaps I never had enough blood to be giving away anyway!
I do. Im O- so its important for people with my blood type to give as it can be given to almost everyone.
I never did before I was pregnant- but now I am so used to needles that afterwards I will definately do it. I'm O pos though so they aren't in short supply of my blood! :roll:
i was going to start donating blood but i can for a few years because i had a blood transfusion in january and they said i cant donate for a few years
Yes I do and go to my designated 3 sessions per year.
Obviously during pregnancy etc I coulnd't go and need to wait untill May before I can start again due to LO's age and the recovery time needed after giving birth. I look forward to it, it's not only good for the people recieving but it means every 3 months you get screened for every bug and blood disorder going as clearly they don't want to give someone infected blood so a good health check for you, a great cause and I'm almost, almost at my silver award for doing it - kinda proud of that.
I've been going since 3 days after my 17th birthday (when you're allowed to) as it was something i really wanted to do. The last couple of times they've rejected my blood due to anaemia and i went to the doc and he told me not to try for 6 months, so i decided then was the time to get my tattoo! Now i'm preg i can't for a while...

but i will again. For as long as I can....

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