Do we BD tonight?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Although my personna hasn't lit up to say I'm ovulating I'm sure I am. Two days ago I had stretchy CM and now I have the old period pain in my right hand side and I always get this type of pain when ovulating. AF only finished just under two weeks ago.

Am I too late to get my other half and BD later on tonight or is this the right time?
I think you should BD 2nite.. sperm lives for like 3 days inside and if they're there waiting for the egg when it comes then its easier for them to work at getting the egg fertilized coz they've had a rest lol!
do it as much as you can over the ovulating period
Cool. How long after ovulation should we try? I'm going for the every other day theory with the BD ing
Maybe ovulation is approaching but going by your CM I would too BD the next couple of days :D
Pappadog said:
Cool. How long after ovulation should we try? I'm going for the every other day theory with the BD ing

Before & maybe on the day or day after ovulating. Does your machine thing not tell you prior to ovulation like OPKs?
It should do Wobbles but never seems too. I'm wondering if the sticks that you pee on are not working because they are so near the end of their usable life
Ah ~ Have you got many? Maybe invest in new ones if needed next month but let's hope they are not needed :cheer:
I've only got a few left in that box and will need a new pack next month.
Its always so hard to know whether or not its the right time to BD. I have asked similar questions on this forum and always get the same reply = if in doubt, get on and do it anyway! :rotfl:
Must admit I'm finding it a bit of a strain having to time these things, but if I don't then I don't feel like I've tried properly through that month.
U should start BD about 2 or 3 days before O so the sperm can be ready and waiting for u! and all throughout O.
Ok managed that ok last night. Will try again on Sunday

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